Here Goes Nothing

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The picture... LMAO>>>

The hope in his eyes made it impossible to say no. But what about Harry? Wait, why do I care? I take a deep, shaky breath and give him my answer.

"Yes." The smile in Louis' face grows a lot bigger, and his face lights up like a little kid on Christmas.

"Great, I'll pick you up at six," he responds. Honestly, I wasn't going to go. Louis changed my mind though. I might actually have fun tonight.

Louis walks back to his table, where Harry is sitting. Harry's once bright eyes are stormy and his face is red in anger. The plastic fork he's holding snaps in half, and he gets up and storms out of the room.

"What was that all about?" I wonder out loud, getting a room full of shrugs in response.

"He's just mad that his girl is going to the dance with another guy," a blonde guy speaks up. His girl? I am NOT his girl.

"Try telling him that," blonde laughs. Did I really say that out loud? I feel my cheeks burn so I look down at the ground and pull my hair over my red face.

"Oh, I'll tell him." Louis's deep voice rings in my ears. I turn my head to see Louis stand up from his spot. His fists are clenched and I hear him mumble something like 'he better leave her alone'. Does Harry really like me?


I look through my closet, frustrated because I can't find a dress for tonight. I'm about to give up when I see a dress in the corner of my eye. It's a blue dress that is strapless with a small cutout in the middle, but it isn't revealing. It goes down to my mid-thie and is gorgeous.

I quickly slip on the dress and head to the bathroom for make-up. I don't want to look like Barbie but I figure I need a little make-up, so I throw on some mascara, light eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and BB cream to hide my blemishes. I hear the door bell ring so I grab my little handbag and run the the front door as fast as I can in my black heels. Okay, here goes nothing, I think as I grab the door knob.

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