Just Can't Let Her Go

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Hey guys, sorry for such the long wait. I was really busy with school work and I was sick. Forgive me? *Makes cute puppy dog face* Anyways, ONWARD MY TRUSTY MINIONS!



Skylar's POV :)

        Should I forgive him? No, he hurt daddy. But I love him. And he has brought me a bunch of sorry gifts. HE HURT DADDY! I LOVE HIM! I can't decide whether to forgive Harry or not. I love him, and I think I forgive him, but there is a small part of me that doesn't forgive him. Ah, screw it. I forgive my adorable boyfriend. Ooh, boyfriend. I love how Harry's my boyfriend. I giggle at my inner thoughts and reach for my cell phone that's on my sturdy, brown nightstand.


        "Hello?" Well that was fast.

        "Hey, Harry. I made up my mind." I tell him slowly.

        "And...?" Harry sounds like I'm killing him with the waiting, so why not tease him even more?

        "I'm sorry, I just can't do it. He's my father, and you hurt him, bad." I almost bust out laughing, but manage to keep ae straight face. After another ten seconds, an awfuul noise rings through the speakers. A sob. I didn't mean to make him cry! I hear more sobs, and I almost start crying myself. Big bad Harry is breaking down. And it's all my fault.

        "Hey Harry, shh. I was kidding. Of course I forgive my Chesire bad boy," I coo as if he's a little kid. In some ways he is.

        "Really?" Harry sniffles and tears well up in my eyes, thinking of all the pain I just caused him.

        "Of course. Now, do you want to meet at the park near my house?" I question, confident he'll say yes.

        "Actually, I want you to meet someone." My brain starts questeioning this. Who is it? Is it a guy? Will he hurt me? Is it someone close to him? A daughter? A son? A girl? At the end, I take in a deep breath. I know Harry wouldn't do that to me. I'm sure of it.

        "Yeah, sure. Do you want to meet at the park as soon as possible? I want to get out the house before my parents come home and catch me." I tell him, pushing aside my horrid thoughts.

        "Yeah, see you in ten," Harry tells me, and I can almost hear his cheeky smile.

        "Bye H-" How rude, he cut me off. Ugh, whatever. I just want to get out of this house.

Harry's POV

Oh oh oh oh

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

I'm so whipped on her tiny little

She's a tempting animal

Spends too much and I never tell her no

Drives me nuts and she got me by the throat

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

Breaks a billion hearts

I know I'm next in line

But I don't mind, yeah, oh oh oh

I want her, everybody wants her

She knows it, eh eh eh

I want her, but I better run away

Oh oh oh oh   

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

I'm so whipped on her tiny little

She's a tempting animal

Spends too much and I never tell her no

Drives me nuts and she got me by the throat

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

Oh oh oh oh

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

I'm so whipped on her tiny little

She's a tempting animal

Spends too much and I never tell her no

Drives me nuts and she got me by the throat

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

Breaks a billion hearts

I know I'm next in line

But I don't mind, yeah, oh oh oh

I want her, everybody wants her

She knows it, eh eh eh

I want her, but I better run away

Oh oh oh oh

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

I'm so whipped on her tiny little

She's a tempting animal

Spends too much and I never tell her no

Drives me nuts and she got me by the throat

She's so mean, but I gotta love it

And I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

La la la, la la la la la la la, la la la

I just can't let her go

        Yeah, I know. It's the gayest song I've ever written, but I don't care. I kind of like it. It reminds me of Skylar. She has me whipped, and totally plays with your heart and functions it to love her. She won't break you, but still. She's the sweetest thig ever, and gets your heart to beat out of your chest. Trust me, I would know. Anyways, I continure on walking when I hear a trashcan get knocked over in a nearby alleyway. The dark alleyway. That's what it's called at least. I slowly creep down the alley and stop when I see a figure beating up another figure.



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