I Just Can't Stop Thinking About You

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Harry's POV

As I watched her dance with another guy, not to mention my best friend, jealousy surged through my body. That should be me making her smile. That should be me dancing with her. That should be me making her laugh. It all should be me. But it's not. It's Louis.

After a while, I can't take it anymore. I storm over to the dance floor and grab her hips, pulling her into my bigger figure. Louis looks at me like I've lost my mind as I drag Skylar off the dance floor by her warm arm. I storm up into a room and slam the door.

"Why were you dirty dancing with Louis?" I know my voice came out angry and loud. I want answers though.

"He's my date harry, I can do whatever I want with him." She slurs, looking like she's about to laugh. Oh god, this is going to he bad.

After ten loud minutes of arguing at each other, I once again wrap my large hand around her petite arm. After dragging Skylar down the stairs and out the front door, I shove her lightly into the car and then hop in myself.

I lightly hum to some of the songs before pulling up on Skylar's driveway. Noticing the tired expression on Skylar's face, I pick her up and ring the doorbell. No one answers so I start looking in Sky's bag for a key, eventually finding what I'm looking for. I slip the key into the small curvy hole and push it open with my foot.

I take in all of the pretty house features before walking up the stairs. I am almost immediately met with a door that has a big poster on it that says 'Skylar's Room'. Gee, I wonder which one is hers.

I slowly twist the knob to her room and place her on the creme colored bed. The white walls make it feel like a loft and the lamp gives the room a nice comforting feel. My eyes then slowly dart to Skylar, and I take in all of her beautiful features.

I have no idea what made me fall for her. It could be her dazzling blue eyes that light up during the day, or her cute, small little body, or her nice white, toothy smile. It might even be all of that. But, all I know is that I've fallen for her. Hard.

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