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Hey! I will be ending this story in the next chapter or two! Thanks to anyone who has read my story!



"Are you sure you want to do this?" Louis voices his concern and I flash him a week smile and nod. I grab the handle and pull the door open with my super strength. Ha, me and super strength? I snort and then giggle. Louis looks at me confused.

"My super strength ," I show him my muscles and he lets out a loud laugh. I join in but soon stop as all of the school kids look at us. Yes, we are at school.

"Douche alert!" Louis whisper yells. I look up and shake my head before turning to my locker. I enter the password on the spinny knob thing and open it. I grab my books and head to class.

I feel a hand grab my head and I spin around, expecting to see Louis, but instead I see Harry.

"What do you want? Most people don't like hanging out with bitches," I state coldly. Harry sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I didn't mean that. I was drunk and I dated this other Skylar," Harry trails off on his lie. Tears well up in my eyes and I stare at the floor.

"No, you haven't." It is not a question, it is a fact. Harry sighs and looks at me guiltily.

"Skylar, I am so sorry-"

"Don't! I know you're not! People say the truth when they are drunk so I honestly don't care-"

"Stop making all of this difficult!"

"I'm being difficult! No, you said horrible things about me and now-"

"Stop over reacting, you dumb bi-"

"See now you aren't drunk and you still think I'm a bitch!"

"Because you are! I can't even piss without you botching about something-"

"Me? What about you, you bully?!"

"Don't you dare call me that!"

"What, can't handle the truth, styles?! We all know that's true, so stop being a dick-"

He raises his hand and brings it down with impact on my cheek. He just hit me!

"Don't call me a bully! I only hit people if they deserve it!" He freezes after saying that. I try to ignore the throbbing in my cheek and focus on what he is saying.

"Oh, so I deserve to be hit for telling the truth?! You know what, I don't care anymore. I am sick and tired of getting my heart broken by you, and going to Louis crying about how horrible you were to me. I am tired of all the danger and I don't think our love is worth anything anymore. Hell, I don't think it ever was worth the danger. People say danger can be fun, but if they knew you, they wouldn't be saying that anymore. You are danger, and you aren't worth shit!" I spin on my heel and sprint down the hallways all the way to my house.

When I get home the realization sinks in, slow and painful. The best thing that happened to me is over.

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