Sky's Daddy

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   I am SO sorry for any spelling or grammar errors in this story. I will try to go back and fix all my mistakes later. Oh, and I'm really sorry if this is short. I'm not going to make up 20 excuses as to why it might be short, but I feel like I've been hit by a bus. Literally. My stomach is explodoing and my allergies are too. Anyways, ON WITH THE STORY!



                                                                  Harry's POV

       My nose throbs, and I can't feel the left side of my face. Well, Sky's dad really doesn't like me. I guess I can understand why. I mean, I have tattoos, I drink, I am not a safe person to be with, and when I have to, I fight. I'm not really a likeable person. Here's what happened.

                                                            ***  Flashback ***

        My eyes flutter open and I realize I'm not in my bed. I spring up and am about to run and bust down the door when I notice Skylar sleeping peacefully next to me on the bed. My eyes dart around for a clock, and they land on the bedside nightstand. 1:43, it reads. I slowly crawl out of the bed and creep out into the hallway. Man, Sky is a deep sleeper. I am almost at the front door when the lights flick on. I look around and see Skylar's father sitting at the table, looking at me. Well, more like glaring.

        "Christ, you scared me," I place a hand over my heart and try to slow my heart rate, which I do successfully.

        "Good," He mutters loud enought for me to hear. What does he mean by good?

        "Look, I want you to stay away from my daughter. She's my little angel, and I don't want her ruined by you, got it?" My anger level grows as he fires every word at me.

        "I have as many rights as you do to be with her. I love her, and nothing is going to keep me away from her," I spit. He looks shocked as the words flee from my mouth, but I meant every word. I love Skylar with everything I have, and it's going to take a hell of a lot more than just a 'stay away' for me to actually do it.

        "No, you don't. I love her and I'm her father. I understand that you may love her but you will also ruin her, and that's something I can't afford to have happen. Now, leave and I don't ever want to see near Skylar again, got it?" I narrow my eyes at him and clench my jaw.

        "I don't care if you have 20 fucking million restraining orders against me. I will be near her and there's nothing you can do to stop it, old man," I growl. I swear, he is working on my last nerve. All of a sudden, a fist comes flying towards me and lands on my jaw with a loud crack. I glance up at Skylar's father and send a punch at him. I am about to pounce on him and attack again, until I hear a sweet voice behind me.

        "STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!" Skylar shouts. Both of our heads whip around to her, wondering how much she saw.

        "Dad, I'm not going to stay away from Harry and there's nothing you can do about it. And for you Harry, please just give me some time to think. I mean, you punched my dad! I know he started it but it still hurts that you would do something like that. Leave, and we'll talk in the morning." I know arguing wouldnt' help so I hang my head and walk out with my throbbing cheek.

                                                              *** Flashback Over***

        And that leaves me where I am now. Walking down the streets, heartbroken. Do I know here I'm going? No. Do I know what I'm doing or where I am? No. I continue walking until I see an alleyway, the one that I take everyday. I drag my feet all the way through it, and stop when I hit the crosswalk on the other side. I carry myself through the front door after unlocking it with my key, and walk up the stairs.

        "Hey, you okay?" Anne stops me. To be honest, I'm not okay, so I just want to rant wihtout being judged, so I stop.

        "Honestly, no, I'm not. I am in love with Skylar, everything she does. The way she laughs when I do something stupid, the way she stands up for herself. How she talks, walks, and just everything about her. I've finally found what I wanted. Love. But her dad hates me. He wants me to stay away from her, but I can't. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. So, we had a big fight, he punched me, I punched back, and Skylar saw and heard everything. I know she's mad at me, and I don't know what to do. I'm scared." I'll admit it, Mr. Bad Ass is scared of losing Skylar. Actually, terrified. I know I'm not good enough, but I need her. I  need to hold her, and to hear her sweet angelic voice first thing on Monday morning. I just need her.

        "Aww, Harry. You really are in head deep aren't you? Well, if it's really love, she'll forgive you and her dad will grow use to the fact that you aren't going anywhere. If not, then let her go. I know it will be hard, but everything will work out eventually. If she comes back to you again, then she's yours to keep. But, I know that she'll forgive you. She may not trust you, and you're going to have to except that, but at least you'll have her with you. You'll be fine, I promise." Anne soothes, giving me a comforting smile.

        "Thanks Anne," I say to her before heading off to bed. One thing sticks in my mind though. Even if Skylar wants it, should I really let her go?


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