Open Fire

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      Harry's POV

          "Hey, why the hell are you beating this guy up, Louis?" Anger laces my words, and it doesn't go unnoticed.

      "Well, I was walking home and you know I always go through here. Anyways, I was walking until dumb shit over here," he motions to the knocked out guy on the ground "decides to tell me that the Black Hearts are after Skylar. I mean, can you belive that? She hasn't done anything wrong, nothing at all. Ugh, so anyways. He started telling me things about Skylar and being a perv, then telling me that he was going to kill her; so I have every right to beat him up." By the end of Louis' rant, my rigid body is shaking to no end. I know why they want her. It's so obvious. They want her to get to me.  


        "Hey Sky, I'm so sorry I was late. I ran into Louis on the way here and we talked for a while." I am not lying, just not filling in the details.

        "Nah, it's fine. I was late too," She flashes me a grin to which I return. I swear, she makes everything light up when she smiles. Even the stars. Cheesy? Yes. Do I care? No.

        "Good, hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," I tell her. She waves me off like it's no big deal.

        "So Skylar, do you want to-"

        BAM! A gunshot is fired and Skylar nearly jumps out of her skin, then freezes.

        "RUN!" I scream at Skylar whose legs are planted in the ground. She snaps out of her state and runs, nearly getting shot in the proccess. Jesus, she's giving me a heart attack. No, stay focused, Harry.

        I grab my gun out of my pocket and fire at some of the men dressed in black, pulling Skylar away.

        "Look, I'm going to leave you here where you'll be safe, okay? I'll be back in a minute, scream if you need anything." She nods, no expresion on her face. I can tell she is petrified though, I mean, I just killed someone in front of her. Oh man, here it comes. The guilt. Ugh, now is really not the time.

        I run behind a a tree at when the shots momentarily stop, I pop out, taking fire. I hear a bullet whiz past my ear, but I don't care about anything but Skylar's screams.

        "HELP! HARRY! LET GO OF ME YOU DISGUSTNG BASTARD!" I run as fast as my legs can take me, dodging the bullets as they come.

        "So, looks like we've found Styles' weakness," A voice rings.



       Skylar's POV

        "Why would you do this?" I choke on a sob. My hands are handcuffed to the cell wall and my legs are held in place with another set of silver handcuffs.

        "Why? To get what I want. And you're the only thing stopping me. Now that I have what I want, you are of no use to me," Katelyn spits out like a disgusting disease, while running her fake nails down Harry's face, making him narrow his green orbs.

        "I would rather get slapped with a brick that is covered in spikes and has been dipped in lethal poison than do anything with you," Harry says venomusly. Join the club, buddy. He gets a slap on the face for that, and soon everybody has left us. Alone, in the dark. Near, but not close enough to each other. You want to play? Well then, game on.


        "Rise and shine my bitches!" I groan and try to roll over, but my neck and body throbs, causing me to flinch and moan in pain. Katelyn smiles at my pain and laughs evilly. I remember one time, I was hanging out with this guy and his friend kept flirting with me. He was a creepy stsalker and wouldn't leave me alone. Oh, and get this. His name was Ernest. Can it get any worse than that? The answer is yes. He hated chocolate. Ugh, that makes me so mad to think that any living thing could hate chocolate. He must not be human. Oh my god, he was an alien all this time? Oh Jesus, I have been stalked by an alien. This is it, my life is O-V-E-R, OVER!

        Harry chuckles while everyone else looks at me  like I'm stupid. Did I say that outloud? Oops. Anyways, time to make an escape plan. And trust me, this will be one that will work.

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