Tyler's POV
I texted Alesa back saying that we were near the Twitch booth.
"Who was that?" Kyle said as he tried to look at my phone.
"Kyle stop looking at his phone." Shelby snapped.
"He does it to me." He said and made a pouty face.
"Whaaaat?" I said, smirking.
'Whatever. Now who texted you?"
"Alesa. She said her and Adam wanted to come over here and hang out."
"Hey isn't that them over there?" Shelby pointed at Adam and Alesa who were almost hidden in the crowd. But there were two other people with them. Were they fans? I just shrugged and greeted them.
"Hey Adam!"
"Hey! How are you guys doing?"
"Good. We've been hugged to death, but we're good." Kyle said. I looked at one of the girls who were with them. She had long, blond hair that covered half of her face and beautiful green eyes. I realized I was staring and quickly looked back at Adam, hoping nobody saw.
"Who are these two?" Shelby said, pointing at the girl and her friend who had short, light brown hair and was wearing a black jacket with a pink shirt.
"I'm Sam and this is Kat." Sam said as she nudged Kat.
"Hi." Kat said nervously. I looked back at her and smiled.
"Nice to meet you." The we said in unison.
"Kat's my cousin and Sam is her best friend." Adam explained. Wait. Cousin?!
"I didn't know you had another cousin?" Kyle said. He was confused as I was. I thought all of his cousins don't like him? And how come I've never seen her before?
"Well we kinda figured out a few days ago." He added. Makes sense.
"Cool." Shelby said. Kat and I kept looking at each other. Does she like me?
"So we were going to go back to our hotel. Wanna come hang out?" Alesa offered.
"Sure." I said and I walked beside Kat as we went out of the building.
Kat's POV
"Here we are!" Adam said as he marched into our hotel room and face planted on the couch. Honestly, sometimes I worry about his sanity.
"Is he usually like this?" Sam whispered. I forgot that she doesn't watched his videos.
"If you mean almost every time in his videos. Then yes."
"Good to know. I have a feeling I'm going to fit in with you guys." We laughed.
"So, anyone wanna go to the pool?" Shelby said.
"Sure lets go." Adam said. While everyone got ready I pulled Sam into our room.
"What's wrong?" She said.
"You know how my main power is fire?"
"Yea. What about it?"
"Well I can't stay in water to long or I'll kinda, fizzle out."
"Ok so what's wrong?"
"The limit is 10 minutes. Then I have to get out."
"Well that's really short. But what do you need for?"
"To make sure I don't go in past the limit. I'm really bad at remembering those sort of things."
"Ok now can we go now?" I realized Sam already had a bathing suit on.
"Yea hold on." I casted a spell that puts my clothes on in less than a second.
"Cheater." Sam whined. "Now let's go."
~le time skip to the pool~
"ADAM NO!!" Alesa screamed as she was thrown into the pool.
"Trololol...wait WHAT!!" Then Adam was in the pool because of the one and only Sam.
Kyle, Shelby, Sam, Tyler, and I laughed our heads off.
"Hey, um Kat?" I look over and see Tyler standing next to the seat beside me.
"Yea?" I asked, trying to be cool. Sam has taught me many things when it comes to people I like.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"Not at all." He smiled devilishly.
"Then you won't kind if I do this?!" He grabbed my hand and jumped in the pool. I looked over to see Shelby and Kyle in here too.
"Let me guess, Tyler?" They nodded their heads.
"Clever Tyler, but you should watch out for Sam." Tyler froze in fright.
"I'm scared now." I laughed.
"Don't worry. She won't hurt you, unless you make her mad. Then you have a problem."
"I heard my name?" Sam said, popping out of the water behind me.
"Oh I'm just warning Tyler about your pranks."
"Please don't tell me more." He whined.
"Well you should watch out, that's all I'm going to say." Sam warned as she swam away, trying to be all spooky.
"Believe me I will." Tyler said.
"Well I'm gunna dry off now."
"Can't you stay in a little bit more?" I really hate doing this, especially to him.
"No, sorry." I said and got out of the water. I dried myself off and sat near the edge of the pool.
"Tyler come here!" Kyle yelled from the other end of the pool.
"Do you want some company?" Wow, he cares about me.
"No I'm fine, go see what Kyle wants." At first he hesitated, but then started to swim to the other end of the pool.
All of a sudden I felt weird. Like, like someone was watching me. But we were the only ones here? It's probably nothing. I got up to walk back to my chair. Suddenly, someone in a black cloak pushed me, making me fall into the water. I yelled for help but the darkness took over me.
Haii peoples! Well this is an interesting chapter, but Tyler and Kat like each other! Sorry for the cliffhanger though. I know some people don't like them. Now who was that person? And will Kat survive? Read to find out.

A Witch's Life With A Youtuber
RandomKat Marlin is a 16 year old witch that lives in an orphanage with her best friend Sam. But what happens when she finds out that her favorite youtuber is related to her? What happens when she falls in love with the Munchingbrotato? Who is the mysteri...