Kat's POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon. I got up and walked sleepily downstairs, almost tripping on the bottom step.
"Good morning." I said to Alesa. She looked at me and smiled.
"Where's Adam?"
"Recording. Oh and your boyfriend is coming over soon so I suggest you get dressed and get Sam up." I was instantly awake when she said 'boyfriend'.
"Wait. Boyfriend?!"
"Yea? Isn't Tyler your boyfriend?" Sam is going to be frozen again if I find out she told Alesa.
"How did you know?" Alesa looked down.
"Your video. Adam kinda flipped out this morning when he saw it." Oh no! I forgot that kiss was in my video! Adams going to kill me or worse, Tyler.
"What am I going to do!?" Alesa came over and hugged me.
"Let me talk to him. I guess it's just weird for him, I mean Tyler is one of his best friends."
"Thanks Alesa." She smiled and went back to cooking. I went upstairs and got dressed.
"Sam get up."
"I don't wanna." She replied.
"Tyler, Shelby, and Kylee are coming over soon so get up."
"Just a few more hours." Well this is going to be harder than I thought. I made a snowball and threw it at her face, but some sort of force field stopped it. Sam sat up like she wasn't sleeping at all. What?
"It worked!" She said.
"What worked?" I was really confused. Only I know how to make forcefields.
"Stele made this rune and u wanted to test it. thank you for being the guinea pig." She made the forcefield disappear and jumped out of bed.
"We're here!" I heard Kyle say from downstairs.
"Go see your boyfriend." Sam smirked as she walked into our closet.
"Shut up." Sam laughed.
I went downstairs and saw everyone but Adam and Sam sitting in the living room eating the breakfast Alesa made. I crouched behind Tyler and whispered;
"Hello Tyler." He screamed. Everyone laughed.
"Hi." I said and kissed him.
"I think I'm ok now." He said as he sat down. I sat next to him.
"Um what do I not know about?" Kyle asked.
"Everything." Sam said, walking in the room. I laughed.
"Well then."
"Kyle I told you yesterday!" Shelby said.
"No you didn't. Now what do I not know about?"
"Ladies and gentlemen! I would like to say that Kayler is now canon!" Sam announced. Everyone clapped and smiled. I blushed and sat closer to Tyler.
"Lets just see how Adam deals with it." Alesa chipped in. Tyler's face went pale.
"Don't worry. He can't make us not like each other." I whispered.
"I hope not Kat, I hope not."
"Um guys." Sam said.
"What?" I said. Sam had a worried look on her face.
"Adam is coming downstairs." Well, here goes nothing.
"Everyone act normal!" Alesa said jut before Adam walked in the room. Tyler had his arm around me.
"Kat. Can I talk to you for a minute? In private?" He looked at Tyler then back at me. I got up and followed him into his office. (aka the the recording room)
Adam's POV
After watching that video, I...I couldn't believe it. I mean one of my best friends was dating my cousin! I just had to talk to Kat.
When I was done recording, I went downstairs. I saw Tyler with his arm around Kat. Keep your cool Adam. Keep your cool.
"Kat. Can I talk to you for a minute? In private?" Kat got up and followed me to the office.
"What do you want?" She demanded. I was taken back a little bit but asked my questions.
"How long have you and Tyler been together?"
"Since yesterday."
"What happened to you yesterday? Tyler apparently new your about you being a with because he was the only one not shocked." Kat looked down and sighed.
"I ran inside before my powers went berserk. Tyler had followed me and came in to see what was wrong. He saw me burst into flames. I...couldn't control my powers at the time so he poured water over my head to stop me. That's when he kissed me and how all of this happened."
Kat was still looking down at the ground. I felt bad.
"Kat I just don't want to see you get hurt."
"I know. I promise you'll be the second person I go to if anything happens."
"Second? Who's the first?"
"Me!" I heard someone say from behind the door.
"Sam stop eavesdropping or I'll freeze you again!" I laughed.
"Ok ok!" Sam said. I heard her walk away.
"Can I go now?" She whined.
"Ok, but I still don't trust him!"
"I know. Now come have breakfast." Kat said as she hugged me.
"Fine." I said and we walked back to the living room. Kat sat down next to Tyler and I say next to Alesa.
"So is everything ok?" Tyler asked.
"For now, but I'm sure Sam would like to talk about it." Sam looked at me and held her hands up in defeat.
"I promise I won't eavesdrop." We all laughed.
"Anyone up for swimming in the lake?"
"Yea!" Everyone said.
"Lets go!" Alesa said and we followed her outside.
??? POV
I can't believe I can't kill her. I've tried everything.
"Um sir?"
"The device is almost done."
"Good. Now leave me."
"Yes sir."
Kat Marlin is going to be sorry she was ever born.
Well, I guess Adam is going to have to like Kayler. But will Sam ever stop eavesdropping? Yea I think we know the answer to that. Now the real question is, who wants to kill Kat?

A Witch's Life With A Youtuber
RandomKat Marlin is a 16 year old witch that lives in an orphanage with her best friend Sam. But what happens when she finds out that her favorite youtuber is related to her? What happens when she falls in love with the Munchingbrotato? Who is the mysteri...