•You're Mistaken•

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The next day I woke up to Jasmine blowing up my phone because Monse was going to hang with us that afternoon.

Mon ✨💛
Cata don't leave
me hanging with her

I'll be there


Jas 💎
bitch I think you
have some tea to spill

I'll spill it this afternoon
Not repeating myself

Jas 💎


"Jasmonlina or Moncatsmine? Which one you think is the better bestie power name?" I heard Jasmine suggest as she reapplied lipgloss. I was sitting on my skateboard under the shade.

"Yo, where we gonna kick it at lunch and between classes? We gonna hit up the flags?" She scrunched her nose. "No, flags can kiss my juicy nalga. Nothin' but skinny putas."

"We are trying out for dance. I ain't sups coordinated, but I give really good face. I just love that we're doing this together. You feel me? Mon-" I got tired of Jasmine's rambling and cut her off.

"Oscar claimed me" I said putting my shades back on.

"What?" Both of the girls exclaimed. Monse sat next to me and Jasmine in front of me.

"After your confrontation with Cesar" I pointed at Monse. "Which by the way Jas you missed out, sis snapped." Monse hit my shoulder making me laugh.

"We're not talking about me Cata, keep going!" Monse snapped her fingers.

"Ángel showed up and wanted to take me home. I'm pretty sure if Oscar wouldn't have stepped in he would've dragged me by the hair." Jasmine flinched and I nodded.

"So Oscar was like, 'Lina over here is my hyna. She's mine.' just like that he claimed me. Ángel wasn't happy he grabbed him by the shirt and basically threatened him, " Monse gasped shocked. "I know he threatened Oscar. I mean come on!"

"So I had a fucked up panic attack and Ángel had to calm me down. He sent me home and he talked about God knows what with Oscar. Then around like one Oscar knocked on my window and he asked me to let him be with him. I was like 'I have to think about it.'" Monse screeched and Jasmine followed her steps.

"Right, anyways he said he was going to win me over, and I just hope this doesn't cause more trouble than it already has."

We stood silent for a couple of minutes until Jasmine started talking.

"We need like our own routine. Like a sick one that only we know, and we bust out at, like, at lunch or before school or at all the parties we're gonna go to."

"We already have one Jas." I reminded and she nodded standing up.

"Monse doesn't know it so we need her to learn it!" She exclaimed and Monse rolled her eyes.

"Yo, check it, can you do this?" She called out to Monse. "Can you do that?" She said jumping and twisting her waist.

"Don't worry, girl, I'm gonna teach you. I'm gonna teach you. I'm gonna teach you."

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