×Devil's Whisper×

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"There's a lockdown outside." Jamal interrupted.

"We know. We can hear." Monse said looking at him.

"Okay. Cool," he nodded closing the door.

"And also, if you're hungry, there aren't any snacks." He opened it again.

"Got it." Olivia nodded.

"And also, you may want to fill up on liquids since there's no food, but Oscar's taken over the bathroom and I don't think he's coming out anytime soon so you may want to dehydrate yourselves." Jamal said and I rolled my eyes.

"Why is Cesar's brother here?" Olivia asked.

"Olivia, Cesar. I don't know anything about Cesar, Olivia." He started fanning himself. "Is it crazy hot in here?" He took the small fan placing it close to his face.

"Yeah, we're in the middle of a heat wave." I pointed out.

"Jamal, go get some ice. So, who'd you kiss?" Monse said turning to Olivia.

"Hey! Let's play a game." Jamal exclaimed and we nodded walking to the kitchen.

"Jas, you're not grounded anymore let's play a game" I said leaning on Ruby's room.

"Haha very funny pendeja." She rolled her eyes smiling.

"I'm hilarious."

"I have to pee so bad. And I'm sprouting major turtle-head. Will someone tell Oscar to get out of the bathroom?" Jasmine announced once we were in the living room.

"Go ahead." Jamal challenged and Jasmine looked at me.

"Please?" She pressed her hands together pleading.

"If I die remember you made me do this." I said walking to the bathroom.

I knocked on the door and Oscar swinged the door open. He had a scowl on his face.

"Hey," I murmured.

"Wait a second." He covered the phone receiver, "what happened mamita?"

"Jasmine needs to use the bathroom and I was wondering if you could maybe take your call somewhere else. It's cool if you can't I'm just asking." I rambled and he pecked my lips walking out the bathroom.

"Wait here," he said and I nodded.

"Jasmine! The bathroom is free!" I yelled.

Couple of minutes later he finished his call and came up from the basement. I was sitting on the kitchen counter listening to the crew play.

"The power is out." He said standing between my legs.

"I know, Jamal blew the power." I said placing my hands on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry I didn't texted." Oscar said taking my hands into his.

"You were busy I know mi amor." He kissed my hands. He placed his arms around my waist.

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