•It Wasn't a Fight•

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I spent the rest of the day worried and Jasmine wasn't helping my case.

"I'm just saying, you just don't go testing his patience early in the morning!" Jasmine said for the tenth time.

"Jasmine, baby can you shut up with that topic for a second! Where's Diego anyways?" I yelled rubbing my temples. I felt a pair of hands on my waist pulling me close.

"What's good muñeca?" I flinched under his grip. Forcibly removing his arms away from me.

"Ga-" I cleared my throat. "Gaby," I looked down. "What do you want?"

Gabriel Santana, biggest fuckboy you'll ever meet. Current senior. My ex. Jasmine's hook-up. Before y'all come for Jasmine's throat, I really don't care if they hook up. It's not like she knows the whole story. He is my ex for a reason.

"From you everything, but that's not why I'm here. I heard from good sources that you are Spooky's hyna. Are you?" He placed his arm around my neck.

"If I'm Spooky's hyna is none of your business." I muttered shrugging his arm off.

"I'm taking that as a no, so maybe I can have some fun with you?" he whispered in my ear and nibbled on my earlobe. I wanted to cry my chest started to feel heavy. I remembered my empowering classes and regained composure.

I turned around and grabbed him by his neck. A couple of the students started to round up.

"Listen pendejo, I don't have time for your bullshit! You and me? Never again." I seethed with tears piling up in my eyes.

"Catalina, is this pendejo bothering you, again?" Ángel appeared behind me with two of his friends, Fernando and Damian. I let go of Gabriel fixing his shirt.

"Nope, just having a talk with Gaby." I patted Gaby's cheek.

"Just our usual talks." Gaby agreed kissing my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and Ángel nodded and kept walking.

"I'm not done with you." Gabriel whispered in my ear and left. I was back to square one so much for empowering classes.

During lunch Jasmine had a hookup, and I went to sit with Monse and the crew.

"Husband, how are you?" I asked kissing Cesar's cheek.

"I'm great. I don't know about you though. What was that fight I saw you almost got in?" Cesar asked me and I chuckled.

"It wasn't a fight."

"Wait till Oscar finds out." Jamal muttered, and I shook my head.

"Nothing will happen because Oscar and I aren't a thing!" I stabbed my tater tots.

"Oscar claimed you. Whether you want it or not that thing is a ship that already sailed." Ruby pointed out.

"Let's change the subject please," I begged.

see you at 3

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