•Decisions, decisions•

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"He got beaten up pretty bad. His pretty face,-" Jasmine gestured to her face.

"Isn't pretty anymore" Monse finished.

"By who?" Ángel asked and I looked at the girls pleading they wouldn't say anything.

"The Santos" Jasmine replied and I clapped my hands.

"We are late. Less talking more walking." I grabbed the girls arms and made them speed walk.

"Yes, I know because I was there," I whispered once we were far enough from the boys.

"You were the one the Santos were protecting last night?" Jasmine and Monse whispered loudly.

"Please say it louder so Ángel can hear you," I scoffed.

"Wife, how are those b-" Cesar asked catching up to us. I slapped Cesar's stomach cutting him off.

"How are those beautiful eyes you have?" I squinted my eyes and laughed.

"I'm fine Cesar thanks."

We were at lunch and Jasmine once again ditched me for a hookup. She swore they were serious.

"Did you get bruised up?" Monse whispered in my ear. I nodded she pulled me into a side hug.

"Eighty-six the chit chat and focus!" Ruby exclaimed and I looked at him confused. "Oh right you weren't here, sorry chiquita. We are making a plan to get Cesar out of the gang."

"Cesar is part of the Santos? Since when? Why didn't I knew this?" I rambled looking at them.

Cesar sat next to Monse and I extended my arm and smacked his head.

"Ouch. What was that for?" He asked frowning.

"When were you going to tell me you are part of the Santos?" I whispered and he looked at the rest of the crew shaking his head.

"Who told her?" He asked and Jamal pointed at Ruby making him roll his eyes.

"I explicitly asked you guys to keep it a secret" Cesar scoffed and I crossed my arms.

"Why couldn't I know? I'm offended!" I glared at him.

"Because I don't want you to be disappointed on me" Cesar said and my facial expression soften.

"I'm not. I'm upset, but it's not your fault" I said softly before frowning. "It's Oscar's."

I skipped the last few minutes of the last period and went to smoke with the seniors.

"Tabares is this going to be a routine again. Last year didn't ended up well for you." Fernando said as I sat on a bench press machine.

"I know don't need the reminder thanks." I said pulling my hair back. I took out the lighter from my bag as I took the blunt from Fernando's hand.

"I don't think anyone does." Damian added sitting next to me.

"Changing the topic, Gaby's face is messed up." Damian said and I shook my head.

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