•What's With The Yelling?•

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"He's not the man for the job. We have to figure out the work around. Like his diction. Sometimes I don't understand half of what Ruby says. You know what I mean?" Monse said and I was rubbing my temples along with Jamal who was pulling his face.

"What?" Monse asked when she looked at us.

"You're giving me a migraine," Jamal exclaimed.

"Think about how I feel. I have no time to teach Ruby not to talk with his hands. He can't do that stuff with Oscar. Dudes gesticulate a lot in prison. We don't want to remind him-" Monse started rambling again until Cesar pulled up with one of the Santos.

"Hey." I looked at him and waved. "Where you headed?" I was about to talk but Monse beat me to it.


"Whatcha doing, Jamal?" Cesar asked and Monse pinched his ear.

"Decorating Ruby's room!" Jamal said flinching.

"So there's no scheming?" Cesar asked raising his eyebrow.

"We're scheming." Jamal said and I scoffed.

"With colors!" I saved and Monse smiled.

"Every good room rehab needs a color scheme." Monse added

"I know a lot about the color theory." He said and turned to the Santo "I'll come along to help. You can drop me here, homie."

"Don't you have to go tag something?" Monse asked when Cesar hanged his arm around her.

"Nope." He said innocently.


Oscar 💕

On my way to ruby's

Oscar 💕
to do what?
is it important?

it's hopeless
that's a better

Oscar 💕
Come over princesa

I'll be there in 5


"I'm gonna leave. Y'all don't need me anymore to scheme with colors so, I'mma go." I said locking my phone and looking at the guys.

"I'll let you know how it goes." Monse said and I nodded and kissed her cheek before leaving.

I was in Oscar's room waiting for him while he took care of someone outside. From what I could hear shit wasn't cute. I wanted to come back but Oscar told me to wait for him inside.

I was on my phone when Oscar came in and slammed the door. I jumped literally, my heart was pounding hard I could feel it everywhere.

Don't get me wrong I decided to be with him but he still scared me.

I decided to sit on the corner of the bed careful of even breathing too loud to not get on his nerves.

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