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That day he did the most to take my head out of my application. We went to the autumn festival down in Pasadena. It lowkey helped me realize what mattered to me.

When I got home that night I finished my application. My counselor congratulated me on it according to her and my English teacher it was one of my finest works. I sent my application on September twenty-seven and I was waiting for a response. The response for the early admissions would be available on December 15.

I was at Oscar's baking Halloween pastries. Six more days. I was so excited for it. I love Halloween. Candy for days, bitch.

"Your phone is ringing!" Oscar exclaimed from the bedroom. I ran back to the room. "Chill fool, you're going to fall and I'm going to laugh."

"Pendejo," I took a deep breath before answering. "Hi," I greeted and Oscar raised his eyebrow and I flipped him off.

It was one of the alumnus in charge of the interviews. I may or may not been waiting for this call. Not everyone gets an interview and it's okay but when you do its kind of a big deal.

"I'm great thanks what about you?" I asked and Oscar snickered.

"Yes, Saturday sounds great!" I smiled and placed my right hand on Oscar's shoulder with a tight grip.

"Yes, at four. I'll  see you there. Have a nice day." I said and hung up.

"Fuck yes!" I screamed and kicked my legs.

"Did you just got a date right in front of my face?" Oscar joked and I nodded. "Also your voice changed drastically," he laughed.

"I'm getting the interview this Saturday at four in the coffee shop that's like an hour or so away from here." I exclaimed and he smiled. "'Cause I don't know him! I got sound proper and shit."

"What are you going to wear?" Oscar asked and I sat down.

"I have three outfits in my mind and you're going to help." I said and he chuckled shaking his head.

"Of course I am." He rolled his eyes and I scoffed.

"I'm serious! Which one?" I asked for the third time and he sighed.

"They all look good!" He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow helpful." I  sucked my teeth taking my phone out.

Cata 😇

what's up?

Cata 😇
i got the interview
what to wear?!?

bitch! give me
5 minutes

"Heeeeey bitch!" Jasmine exclaimed slamming my door open. "Hi Oscar." She muttered and Oscar gave her a nod.

"I'm out." Oscar pecked my lips before walking out. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied and he left closing the door behind him.

"How cute! When is the interview?" She asked looking at the shirts I had laid out.

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