•The Keeper of Secrets•

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I walked to the door and opened it. Oscar was there he had a mean look on his face. Jamal stood behind me scared to move.

"Someone shot one of the homies. Have you seen Cesar? He ain't answering his phone." He asked looking at both of us. He looked at me and smiled before pecking my lips.

"His phone ain't working. Not that anyone broke it or anything. It just died of natural causes." Jamal muttered.

"If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him." He ordered and Jamal nodded.

"Yes, sir."

"I'll see you later mamita." He pecked my lips again.

Jamal closed the door. The police sirens were blaring down the street.

"I'm still going. I just wanted to give Oscar some lead time." Jamal said looking at Ruby.

"One time!" Oscar yelled bursting in hitting me with the door. Jamal screamed scared.

"This is L. A. P. D. This block is on lockdown. For your safety, remain inside until further advised." Great another lockdown. Helicopters were heard.

Oscar looked out of the window and I hit his arm with my fist.

"Yes?" He looked at me while I rubbed my forehead.

"Estúpido, (Stupid) you hit me with the door." I glared.

"Sorry mami." He kissed my forehead.

"Don't ever call me mami. I'm reina, princesa, muñeca, chiquita, mamita, babe baby, babygirl whatever you can come up with except for mami" I crossed my arms and he chuckled pulling me into his embrace.

I'm not a fan of hugs, but coming from him I could care less.

"I said, I can't believe we're stuck in the house with Oscar," Jamal yelled grabbing Oscar's attention.

Jasmine jabbed him and laughed awkwardly.

"Ma!" Ruby pressed his phone to his ear.

"Yeah, I'm safe. No, I'm inside. I'm not gonna starve. Catalina is here she can cook." Ruby said walking to the kitchen.

Jamal and Jasmine went to sit down. Oscar sat down on one end of the couch and Jasmine on the other one.

Jamal sat in the middle and I sighed sitting on the loveseat.


Oscar 💕😍
come sit on
my lap mi reina

I smiled at the text and quickly sat on his lap.

"Hi mi amor," I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Sorry I haven't texted all day I -" Oscar was cut off by Jamal who was awfully close to him.

"Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee? Tea?" Jamal asked and Oscar sighed.

"Personal space." He said monotonously laying back on the couch.

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