•Stop Talking About Dicks•

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Monday morning I woke up to Ángel jumping on top of me. I felt his dead weight on top of me.

"Ángel you have exactly three seconds to get the fuck off me. Hágale! (Now!)" I groaned and he moved.

"Come to see what I got!" Ángel grabbed my hand pulling me out of bed.

I dragged my feet outside and saw a black car parked outside. I looked at Ángel who smiled.

"Mami gave it to you?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yes, mami promised she would get me one when she finished paying hers and here it is!" He said pointing at the car.

"Congrats." I walked inside and to the bathroom.

Fucking heat wave. I was sweating like crazy. I was pissed it was way too early for this. Cesar was sitting by himself and I walked over.

"Hey babe" I kissed his cheek making him jump.

"Catalina! Don't do that!" He said and I looked at what he was looking.

"Why are you extremely nervous?" I saw him biting his nails.

"I kissed Olivia and I think she's telling Monse. Please don't tell." He whispered and Monse looked over at us. She didn't look happy. She came back and sat next to Cesar.

"Everything cool?" Cesar asked and I was ready to leave.

"No!" She yelled startling both of us.

"We good?"

"I've been played," Monse said frowning and Cesar was going to open his mouth. I stood up didn't want to hear how shit was gonna go.

"Catalina wait!" Monse ordered and I sat back down.

"Jasmine suckered Olivia into hanging out after school and Olivia just suckered me. Can you believe that? I got double suckered." Monse complained and both me and Cesar laughed.

"That sucks," Cesar said and I high-fived him.

"You got jokes. Catalina you're coming too." Monse said and I nodded.

"See y'all later!"

During study hall, I and Jasmine were sitting on a counter studying for a test when Ruby and the boys walked by.

"So, from now on, I'm only into girls who are into me," Ruby said and Jasmine looked up from her notes.

"Hey" she waved and Ruby rushed down making me laugh.

"I'm done studying. I'll be back for class." I kissed Jasmine's cheek.

I found Fernando who placed his arm around me, "hey bebita."

"What's up?" I asked sitting on his lap.

"We were just talking about you." I raised my eyebrow. "Actually it was about your brother." He chuckled as I sat on his lap.

"All good things I hope." I joked and the guy in front of him laughed.

"Of course. Alex didn't knew that you were his sister." Fernando said and I placed my arm around his neck.

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