×Mad at Me×

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Let's have a quick pause, I know y'all want to know about my relationship with Gabriel.

Our relationship goes way back. He was Ángel's best friend. That's how I met him. We would flirt back and forth every time he came over. He took me on so many dates everything was perfect.

We started dating when I started freshmen year. At the time I didn't knew Jasmine that well, so I was always with Diego. That's when problems started. At first it was minor arguments then it escalated to huge arguments.

I always was the one who apologized for pissing him off. He rarely apologized. When we weren't arguing everything was good. We never argued in front of our friends.

That's when I met Jasmine, he introduced her to me and we became great friends along with Diego.

The first time he laid his hand on me was on sophomore year. I don't remember why we were arguing since we argued a lot. I just remembered he slapped me, then it became a thing. He mainly abused me emotionally, but when he did things were intense.

My confidence was non existent. I started smoking weed all the time. I was miserable. The first ones to find out were Fernando and Damian. They tried to help I know those were the intentions but it didn't end up well for me at least. After that they were always with me. Damian always tried to be around when Gabriel was around me.

Diego and Cesar caught up with what was going mainly because they were always home and I couldn't wear makeup to sleep.

Diego being him, told everything to Ángel. It was too late I was in this huge depression. I didn't wanted to do anything. I tried to shift my focus on school and weed.

Mami found out I was hooked up with weed, and sent me to rehab for two weeks during the holidays. She never found out about Gaby. Ángel didn't want to tell her and neither did I. After that I went to therapy and got better not completely but I was doing better.

Now let's move on to better things.

* side note *

Double update!

Does that even count as a double update?

Anyways, 1K reads! I appreciate y'all sm!

Thank you for reading!

Love y'all! 💛

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