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I looked at the woman and saw the same woman from the bodega. Sofia.

"Holy shit!" Sad Eyes exclaimed  earning a glare from Oscar.

"I told you I would see you again Catalina." Sofia said and I nodded.

"Hold the fuck up," Oscar stood up. "How you two know each other?"

"We just met." I stated crossing my arms standing next to him. Oscar looked at me and sighed. "She's the girl from the Chinese restaurant. The pretty one I told you about." I added whispering on his ear.

"How you two know each other Oscar?" I asked taping my foot against the floor.

"You haven't told her?" She said and I look at her.

"No offense beautiful, but who the fuck are you?" I asked looking at her. She walked towards Oscar who took at step back making her smile.

"I'm Oscar's ruca." She said and I rubbed my temples. Funny, I had a crush on my boyfriend's ex.

"The one that 'walked out when he got locked up'? I asked quoting what he said to me. She laughed throwing her head back.

"Oh honey, that's what he said?" She asked shaking her head. "That's not how I remember it going down," she glared at Oscar, who rolled his eyes.

"Cool," I gritted glaring at Oscar before taking a deep breath. "So who's gonna tell me the truth?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You gonna tell her mi amor? Or should I tell her?" Sofia looked at Oscar who tightened his fists.

"Fine. I will tell her how you sent 'tu bebé' to prison." She said and sat on the couch we were sitting.

"Do you know why Oscar went down?" She asked me and I shook my head. Sofia raised her eyebrow looking at Oscar.

"Veneno stop," Oscar stated and she shook her head.

"He emptied his clip on a man. Showed no mercy whatsoever. Why?"

"Veneno shut up," his fists tightened and his breathing got heavy.

"All because of his fucking jealousy." she said and Oscar walked past me furious.

"That's it Veneno leave." He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her up.

"I don't want you here." Oscar said dragging her to the car.

"I'm not done" she yanked her arm of his hold. "I went to prison as an accessory of a first degree murder. I was sentenced to fifty four months," she said glaring at Oscar.

"But I forgave him and I was ready to go back to my life with him." She caressed his face and Oscar pushed her hand away.

"Like it was supposed to be, only to find out he was with you" she said bitterly.

"What are you even doing here? I was very clear when I told you to disappear." He said and I tried to keep my chill. So he talked to her and didn't tell me.

"Did he told you that he went to see me? He went over to my house and we had a lot of fun if you know what I mean. But if course he didn't." Sofia said with a smirk.

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