×La Noche×

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"Hey," I whispered and Diego cleaned his face.

"Hey" he looked at me with a forced smile. His eyes were puffy and glossy. I sat beside him and hugged him.

"I just want a normal family you know." He whispered on my shoulder. "They can't spent one fucking day without arguing."

"My mom is always drinking. She can't control herself and my dad is tired of sending her to treatments. She doesn't even care about me. She hasn't asked me what am I going to do after I graduate. I-" His voice was strained. He remains silent for awhile I felt the tears in my shoulder.

"It will get better someday. You know I'm always here for you. I love you so much." I whispered running my fingers up and down his back.

"I love you too Cata."

We stayed talking and playing blackjack until we both got tired. I went back to my room and tip toed my way around it looking for my pajamas. As I was walking out the room Ángel stumbled his way in.

"Catalina!" He yelled and I walked towards him shushing him.

"Ángel, don't yell!" I said placing my clothes on the couch so I could help him walk.

"I'll yell if I want to. You don't tell me what to do!" He exclaimed and I slapped his back.

"Oscar and Diego are sleeping you wake them up and I'll kill you. Mami is sleeping you wake her up and she will kill you." I stated and he rolled his eyes as we walked to his room.

"Why is Oscar here? Catalina don't you know that I'm-" I covered his mouth glaring at him.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" I pushed him off me on to the bed. "You are going to take a shower, then you're going to eat and after that go to sleep okay?" I said kneeling down as I helped him take his shoes off.

"Okay" he took his socks off and stumbled to the bathroom.

"Idiot." I mumbled grabbing him clothes.

"Catalina!" I heard him yell from the bathroom.

"Este pendejo." (This asshole.) I groaned walking to the bathroom.

"What?" I mumbled against the door.

"I forgot my clothes." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

"I know. Open the door." I asked looking away.

"Thanks baby" he replied as he took the clothes from my hands.

"You're welcome" I muttered as I walked to the kitchen to serve him food.

Twenty minutes later he appeared and sat down to eat while I looked at him.

"Did you have fun?" I asked and he nodded.

"Fernando's mom made pasteles." He added with a hiccup.

"Damn," I pouted. "She makes some good pasteles."

"I know you missed out." He said and I rolled my eyes.

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