•Disappearances and Dances•

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I looked to my side and Oscar was sleeping peacefully. Careful not to wake him up I freed myself from his embrace. I picked his shirt from the drawer and tip toed to the bathroom.


I decided to make coffee before I did anything else. While that was ready I opened a can of Monster I found on the refrigerator. I leaned against the sink while I drank it.

Did it help with the headache? Fuck no, if anything only made it worse. It's not like I was hoping it would anyways.

Everything was silent the only sound that filled the air were the birds' chirping. Not. Of course the typical sounds that described Freeridge: sirens, people yelling and loud music that came from Mrs. Guzman's house. But you learn to ignore those sounds eventually.

I took out the eggs and ham to prepare breakfast.

"Good morning Cata" Cesar greeted sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Good morning. Don't talk too loud." I shushed and he chuckled.

"How is that hangover treating you?" He joked and I flipped him off.

"Be useful and beat the eggs." I gave him the bowl with the eggs and a fork.

I carefully opened Oscar's door. He was still sleeping. I tip toed to the nightstand and took my phone.

"Good morning princesa." His husky voice sent shivers down my back.

"Good morning mi amor." I peck his lips and he pulled me close to the bed making me smile.

He caressed my face and scooted over laying on his side. "Come here for a second."

I sat down and crossed my legs.

"Lay with me for a lil." He ordered and I shook my head.

"Rejecting me?" He joked and I laughed.

"I'm making breakfast." I said standing up.

"Next time start by saying that." He stood up and walked out.

I went back to the kitchen and Cesar was still sitting on the kitchen counter.

"You done sucking dick?" Cesar asked annoyed and I pushed him playfully.

"If you must know-" I started and Cesar covered his ears yelling over my voice.

"You're so nasty Catalina why would you say that!" Cesar yelled and I laughed.

"I didn't say anything!"

Oscar leaned on the fridge looking at us and shook his head.

"What are y'all yelling about?" He asked looking at us.

"Cesar asked if I was done sucking dick, but he didn't let me answer!" I exclaimed and Oscar grinned.

"Oh yes, she does it pretty well too," he commented wrapping his arms around me.

"Stop. I don't need the review." Cesar fake a gag.

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