Dog Whisperer

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Recap: Tomorrow I was going to pick up Apollo so I could take care of him for the day.
~Y/n POV~
Today I need to pick up Apollo and I can finally see Jake! I quickly ate some breakfast and then took a shower. After that I did my hair, makeup, and changed my clothes.

 After that I did my hair, makeup, and changed my clothes

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"Y/n!!!" I heard Logan calling me from down stairs

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"Y/n!!!" I heard Logan calling me from down stairs. "I know I'm ready!" But when I went downstairs, I saw the wdw boys and Logan staring at me. "I was going to say the boys are here and you look great by the way!" Logan said while holding Kong and his camera and Kong barked in response. I giggle and they boys all said yeah.
"Aww thanks guys and let's go!" Everyone nodded and we all hopped in the car and went to Jake's house.
We got there and I knocked on the door. A guy I recognized who's name is Chance opened it. His eyes widened when he saw me and yelled "Y/n's here!" Then he hugged me and spun me around. "Wow he's cuter than before..." I thought.
"What was that?" He asked. Shit I must've said it out loud. I shook my head and he said "Sure whatever you say princess" I blushed and everyone else looked mad. Soon the rest of team 10 came and tackled me.
"Y/n I missed you SOOO much!!!" Jake said while hugging me. I hugged the others too.
When we walked inside, Emilio and Ivan went up to me and said "Y/n say that I'm hotter than Emilio! No, I am!" I laughed and rolled my eyes at their silliness and said, "You idiots you guys look exactly the same! ish.." "Well yeah "ish"" they both said emphasizing the word "ish."
I went up to Jake and asked him where was Apollo and just as I said that, Apollo cams running at me. I thought he was going to attack me so I started running but he tackled me to the ground. "Welp I'm dead.." I thought but he actually started licking me. I petted him and said "don't scare me like that I literally thought I was going to die and I guess you're Apollo. I'm Y/n, Jake's sister!" I giggled and he just tilted like how Kong did sometimes. Soon Kong came over and barked at Apollo. They were play fighting while I was talking to Jake and Logan was somewhere vlogging. He told me to take him back at 10. That's the time I'd usually sleep but I'd do almost anything for him. Almost..
When we were at they boy's house I was playing with Apollo and Kong. "WHAT ABOUT US?!?! WE WANT LOVE TOO!!!!!!" I heard Logan and the boys said so loudly that me and the dogs jumped up and the dogs barked at them. I laughed and said "Ok fine" and I kissed all their cheeks and the boys except Logan blushed and I pretended like they were dogs and petted each one of them and the dogs. They all gave me annoyedcute faces. Sometimes Logan is just like them. I swear they are all secret brothers...
--------------------~Apollo POV~(Doggo POV will maybe come more)
Wow Y/n is really nice! Kong is lucky to be living with her. She isn't that crazy like the Jake and the others are. I hope that I could spend more time with her. I love her just as much as I love Jake. I don't really like Logan that much though I mean I don't know him much and I think once Jake tried choking him..
~Daniel POV~
I can't believe I'm thinking about this but I'm kinda jealous about how much time she is spending with the dogs but when she kissed my cheek, it felt like one of the best thing ever. If only she knew how I feel about her and if only she likes me the way I do to her...
~Y/n POV~
Soon we decided to go to the park. I saw a mini ice cream store and we decided to go in it and you ordered
y/f/i/c/f (your favorite ice cream flavor sorry that I made it so long lol) and then you were eating your ice cream while Logan was paying for it. Soon three pretty girls came over to your table and said to the boys "OMG we're big fans of you guys! Can we have a picture?"
The boys said sure and took a picture with them and then one girl said, "Are you Y/n?" I nodded and she wanted to take a picture with me too and then she thanked us for it and then one girl came up to me and whispered, "stay away from them they are all mine!" and they all walked away. So basically she is saying that she want all of them? Ok... I guess I'll have to get used to this when I'm around them...
It was getting late so Logan and I went to drop the boys off and we said bye to all of them and I kissed each of their cheeks and then we went to drop Apollo off. When we knocked on the door no one answered so then we just walked in and it went dark...
What happened to Y/n?!😮 If you want to know, tell me in the comments if you want more because I want to know how you guys like the story and if I should continue or not. So please tell me in the comments if I should continue! Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter! Bye everyone!!!❤️
Word count: 951

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