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Recap: Well good luck trying to find a place to sleep!
Time skip to getting out of the hospital
                    ~Y/n's POV~
It was the day that I was free from the hospital and I am still shocked about what happened in "heaven." The boys have been very nice to me and spent as much time as they could with me. Logan told me Lydia took care of D/n so I didn't worry that much.
   I went stayed at the boy's house since Logan promised to take Chloe out and mostly everyone was out so there was no one to watch over me.
   We were all bored so Jack said, "Hey let's play truth or dare!" Everyone agreed and I went first.
   "Zach truth or dare?" I asked. He picked dare and I said,
   "I dare you to call your mom and tell her that you are pregnant with Jacks's baby."
   Everyone bursted our laughing while Zach was dialing his mom's number.
   "Hey Zach! What's up?" His mom asked happy to see him while Reese, Ryan, and his dad came into view.
   "I'm pregnant with Jack"
   "JACHARYYY-" Ryan said but got cut off by Reese hanging up. We all laughed but it was now Zach's turn.
  "Corbyn truth or dare?"
  "Truth." Everyone groaned from the response while Corbyn just rolled his eyes as in "just get on with it."
  "Is it true that you would rather be a solo artist then be with us in this band?" Everyone was staring at Corbyn now. Is that actually true?
  "Of course not! Where did you guys even get that from?"
  Zach shrugged.
  "Well anyways, my turn. Jonah truth or dare?"
"Have you ever lied on an interview?"
"No." He replied simply. He then chose Jack.
"Truth or dare, Jack?"
" I dare you to use Y/n's brightest red lipstick on someone besides me. He ran upstairs to get it. He was looking around to choose someone but then his eyes landed on mine and smirked.
Heck nah.
I yelled and dived.
~Boy's POV~
Aww I love Y/n. She's so adorable and she's not the type who really cares about her looks. Huh, if she doesn't like it then why does she have it?
~Y/n's POV~
"If you don't like it then why do you have it?" Corbyn asked curiously.
"Well one thing is that I don't really like the color of really bright red lipstick. (If you do, skip that part.) Second, it's because I don't wanna wear any now.
Jack ended up putting it on Zach instead. (Reference to one of their interview games if you watched it;)
"Ok my turn." Zach said. "I guess it leaves us with Y/n. Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to dm a fan."
"Yes! I've been meaning to do this for a while." I shrieked excitedly. I picked a girl named Bella who would write really nice comments on all my posts and posts ships of me with the boys...(@liabesson. Don't worry Ally and Lyndsey you guys will come later😉)
  I dm'd her saying hi to her. Almost immediately she replied back.
Y/n: Hi there!
Bella:OMG hi I love you so much!!!
Y/n: Haha thanks this was a dare that Zach gave me but I've been meaning to do this for a while!
Bella:omg this is the best day of my life! I ship you with Corbyn! No Jonah! AGH I can't decide. Are any of the true?
Y/n Haha who knows?😉 You seem really nice we should meet each other some time.
Bella: Omg really? That would be great! Anyways I have to go ttyl. (You just made my day)
Y/n: Aww bye!
  I turned my phone off and said, " She seems nice." The boys nodded in agreement.
We spent the rest of the day chilling at their house. Soon, I got super tired and fell asleep on someone's lap.
Hi everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter and again, @liabesson is playing the role as Bella. I just want to thank you for all of your support! Again, thanks @liabesson!

 I just want to thank you for all of your support! Again, thanks @liabesson!

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(Her old user)
Word count: 701

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