Hello Ohio!

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Recap: Goodnight New York City

                      ~Y/n's POV~
  I woke up and found D/n snuggling up against me. I rubbed my eyes and checked the time, it was 5:03 AM. I got up and checked if I forgot to pack something up and then I woke D/n up. We then went to the main room where we met four, tired boys. Jonah seemed to be awake though. We head out to find somewhere to eat.

We went and ate at McDonald's. Everyone except Jonah and I looked so tired so we took pictures of them. Zach and Jack were leaning on each other, Daniel was leaning back on the booth, and Corbyn was sprawled all over the table. They even had their eyes closed as if they were sleeping. Jonah and I started talking between eating and soon enough, we were done.

  I then looked at the boys and...

  "WHAT?!" I said surprised. The boys were still laying there and haven't even took a bite! Although Jack, I can tell, was trying to make an effort of his "early bird" goal and was eating but I could tell that he's just as tired as the others. "C'mon guys we need to go back to the hotel to get to the airport!"

The guys groaned and started eating. After about 15 minutes, we left.

We went back to the hotel and double checked if we forgot anything. After that, we met each other in the living room where Bam Bam and other staff met us too. I check the time and we had 20 minutes left. Some staff took our luggage to the tour bus while others were just walking around checking if we forgot anything. The staff told me that D/n could go with me on the airplane. Soon enough, it was time to go.

We got to the airport being greeted with fans. We hugged, took pictures, and signed our signatures for them.

We got in the airport and we still had 10 minutes left so we decided to meet our fans. Somewhere in the crowd I saw...

"GUYS!!!" I exclaimed while Shirley, Ally, and Lyndsey called me. They were surrounded with three bodyguards, because of Shirley being a really famous programmer.

  "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, shocked.

  "To say goodbye, duh." Shirley replied.

  "I'm so happy to see you guys!" I said, smiling.

  "Saaaame!"Lyndsey said.

  "Oh yeah by the way Lyndsey and I will be moving to LA next week so we'll be at the guy's LA concert with Bella!" Ally said excitedly.

  "Really?! That will be awesome!" I said and hugged Lyndsey and Ally.

  "Speaking of the LA concert, I wanted this to be a surprise but I'm going too! BTS is also going! I got them to go and they said that they miss you." Shirley said.

  "Oh my gosh that's one of the best news ever!" I said and hugged her.

  "Flight to Ohio is boarding now." A voice said on the loud speaker.

  "Well that's us bye I'll miss you guys!" I said and hugged them one last time.

  "I thought you have your own private jet?" Shirley asked.

  "Yeah but it couldn't come and I'll surprise the boys next time." I said.

  We said bye one last time and I met the boys and before we got on, we all shouted "WE LOVE YOU NEW YORK CITY!" That made the fans scream loudly.

  We got on the plane and went to first class. We put our luggage away and wow! This place looks really fancy. We all sat in a seat and I told them how Bella, BTS, Shirley, Ally, and Lyndsey is going to their LA concert. We started having a full conversation of who will be going to their concerts.

  After about two hours, we got hungry so we decided to raid the snacks and see what other things we could eat.

  Jack ordered some noodles and I'd thought it would be funny to post me using chopsticks on Jack's hair on Instagram.  Jack surprisingly agreed and Zach helped us to take the picture. I waited until after the flight to post it since there was no internet. After eating, we all grew a bit tired and took a nap.
Time Skip to end of flight

  I woke up to a loud speaker saying, "We are landing, please stay in your seats and keep your seatbelts on."

  "WAIT WE NAPPED FOR THAT LONG?!" I said, shocked. D/n jumped out of my lap probably startled of my outburst. The boys woke up, really tired.

  Welp they're going to be jet lagged

  "C'mon guys we cant be tired it's a bad start!" I said trying to excite them.

  Soon, it was time for us to get off the plane. We got our luggage and got ready to get off.

                          Hello Ohio!
Word Count: 820

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