Second Fair

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Recap: We saw scratches everywhere and in my room we saw...
                    ~Jonah's POV~
  When Y/n opened the door we saw...

"Oh thank lord it's you!" We all exclaimed while looking at D/n passed out on Y/n's bed, snoring. We all sighed in relief and went to our rooms to sleep.

~Y/n's POV~
I woke up an heard a very light "thump" on the floor that continues slowly. I looked around and saw... noodles in the air behind the table? Oh wait...

You know what that means.

"I SEE the noodles." I said and Jack got up, disappointed. "Do not try to scare or wake me up in the morning or else you will feel the wrath of the Y/n L/n."

  I dressed up and met the guys in the main room. We have two days until we have to go to our destination and we decided to use this day to meet our fans.

  We walked around New York and many fans came up to us for pictures and autographs. We even chatted with them.

  We walked through a park and a excited fan came up to us and asked us for a picture. After, she asks "Jonah can you pleaaaaasee kiss Y/n? You guys are adorable together!"

  Jonah and I turned into a light shade of red while the others looked a bit jealous. We then shyly agreed and Jonah kissed my nose while the fan snapped a shot. We pulled apart and said goodbye to her and she happily trots off.

  After what happened, no one talked for about ten minutes until I randomly said, "did you guys know race car is spelled the same way backwards?"

  The boys thought about it. "Woah it really is!" Corbyn exclaimed as if it was the best thing in the world. The others start acting like him. I giggled and we walked on and met more fans.

  It was 1:00 PM so we decided to go to Coney Island. (An amusement park) We went in and debated on which ride we should go to. We then agreed to go on the "Cyclone" and I sat next to Zach while Jack and Corbyn sat with each other and Jonah sat with Daniel.

  We got on the ride and Zach and I sat in the very front of the roller coaster.

  Oh no

  "Zach if you throw up please do it on the side or after the ride." I told him.

  "Psh I should be saying that to you." Zach replied defensively.

  "At least this ride doesn't have to make us go upside down." I replied.

  "Game on" Zach said and we shook hands.

  The ride was actually really fun and Zach also seem to enjoy it. I didn't know how the others felt about it because I didn't look back but I can hear screaming but I didn't know who's voice it belonged to.

  After the ride was over, we all got off and we went to a machine that gives us pictures of us and when I got it, it showed Zach and I looking ahead and having fun, Jonah and Daniel looking a bit scared but enjoying themselves, Corbyn and Jack hugging each other and screaming, and other people who were also on the ride. I start laughing at Corbyn and Jack and I showed Zach the picture and he started laughing as well. The others looked and Jonah and Daniel joined in as well while Corbyn and Jack looked embarrassed. Corbyn picked me up while Jack carried Zach while Daniel and Jonah just followed. In all, it looks like parents dragging their kids away from the candy shop.
After about five minutes, they put us down.
Time Skip To 5:00 PM

  We decided to go on the Ferris wheel as our last ride before we go back to the hotel's restaurant to eat dinner. We all got into one cart. The sun was setting so it gave us a great view.

  "Hey Y/n remember the last time we went on a Ferris wheel?" Jack asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Soooo do you guys have any plans for the future?" I asked them.

"Yeah we hope to meet more of our fans and we just want to be ourselves. I hope our fans love us for us. You made
us stop trying to be someone else while we can just be ourselves." Daniel said with a smile. The boys did the same and agreed.

"Aww thanks it means a lot to me. You guys are the best-est best friends I've ever had." I confessed. By now, we were nearly at the top of the Ferris wheel. We gazed at the beautiful sights around us and took pictures. We all even took secret pictures of each other. (Don't ask how I know the others did.)

"By future, do you mean when we are like, 60? I'm not even going to get married by then!" Corbyn cried.

"Haha if you guys seriously aren't getting married by 28, I'll have to marry you guys myself." I replied playfully.

~Boy's POV~
Then I'll wait and be single by 28.

~Y/n's POV~
After the ride was over, we called their tour bus to pick us up and drop us off at the hotel. We had to stop for gas, so the guys and I went to the mini store to buy some snacks. We just bought slurpees and a few chips. We got back on the bus to the hotel.

After eating at the restaurant, we headed back to our room. When we got back, we went to our rooms to place down our prizes that we won at the amusement park.

  Then, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!"

   The door opened and revealed Jonah holding a huge dog plushie that he had won at the amusement park.

   The door opened and revealed Jonah holding a huge dog plushie that he had won at the amusement park

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  "Hey Y/n I just wanted to give you this." He said and handed it to me.

  "What noooo it's yours you keep it! You won it anyways" I replied putting my hands up in the air.

  "Welllllll what happens if I say that I won it for you?" Jonah smirked.

  "You sure?"


  "Awww thanks Jonah you're too sweet!" I said and hugged him tightly. He smiled and hugged back.

  "Well tomorrow's our last day so let's sleep. Night Jonah." I said to him. I wish he could stay longer

  "Night Y/n" he said and left. I laid down and fell asleep.

  What would the world be like without them
Words Count: 1,103

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