Animal Whisperer

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Recap: I don't know what I would do without them in my life.

                      ~Jack's POV~
  I woke up and checked the time and it was 8:36. Yes! I might have woken up early for Y/n and it's our last day.

  I walked in the main room and saw Jonah and Y/n chatting happily.

  "Hey Y/n! Hey Jonah!" I said extra cheerfully.

  "Hey Jack!" They said back.

  "You seem happy. Why is that?" Y/n asked.

  Because I see you and I'll be spending a lot of time with you.

  "I woke up early! Like you guys!" I happily said.

  "Umm sorry to break it to you but we actually both woke up at six. I have to get up at nine or earlier."   Y/n said slowly.

  "Yeah we even got Starbucks. Sorry man." Jonah said just as slowly as Y/n.

  "It's a start though!" Y/n smiled.

  "Really? Ok I'll try to be like this more!" I said and ran off to my room to get ready for the day.
Time Skip to after they all woke up and had breakfast(Sorry I'm so lazy:P)

                  ~Corbyn's POV~
  We decided as our last day, we just focused this day on us. We first went to a park, which was really calm and beautiful. Not as beautiful as Y/n of course! Or Bella.... ugh! I don't know why I keep thinking about her but every time I think of Y/n, I also think of Bella. (To anyone else who wants to be with Corbyn, don't worry!)

  After shaking these thoughts off, I noticed that Y/n is gone. I started to panic a little.

  "WHERE did y/n go?!" I asked realizing that I sounded like an overprotective boyfriend.

  "Dude didn't you hear? She wanted to feed the ducks so she went to buy some bread from the bakery." Daniel said and pointed to the bakery across the street.

  "Oh ummm... sorry I guessed I just spaced out for a sec..... oh yeah! Want to talk about space?!" I said randomly after I said "spaced out." The other guys just groaned. Oh how I love space

~Zach's POV~
Y/n came back out with the bread and there was twelve slices of bread so we each got two slices. We ripped the bread into tiny pieces and threw them near the ducks so that that could eat them.

I didn't think it worked well for Jack. At first, he fed one duck some bread which then, he started skipping around happily while tossing some pieces of bread around which attracted more ducks. Now, there are several duck chasing him while he is running away with half a slice of bread left.

Y/n, however, is an animal whisperer. She is near a tree with about six ducks around her while she tosses some bread. They even let her to pet them! I still remember how Kong and Apollo love her.

I was stuck with one duck. It seems to like me though, and I gave it half of one slice of my bread!

Suddenly, I heard Jonah say, "Whoever can attract the most ducks in three minutes gets to look at everyone's phones!" We agreed to the challenge and started attracting as many ducks as we can.

  Oh no

~Y/n's POV~
Yes! I will win this challenge! My parents , Jake, Logan, and I used to always feed the ducks in a park nearby our home when we were younger. In this park, however, had many ducks.

I kneeled a little near a group of four ducks and tossed them some food and they ate it. I dropped tiny bits of bread as I went in a direction and many ducks followed. I looked in Jack's direction and saw that he had barely any bread left. I just finished one slice and moved on to my last.

Then I heard, "TIME!" and Jonah counted how many ducks we all had. I dropped the last pieces of bread that I had left.

The scores were:
Jonah: 7
Corbyn: 9
Daniel: 7
Zach: 5
Jack: 12
Y/n: 17

"YES!!!" I said and jumped around.

"Ok since you won you can look through our phones when we go back to our hotel room." Jonah said and all of the boys, including Jonah looked a bit nervous.

We went to a pizza place for lunch and New York pizza is the BEST. I never thought that I could eat six slices of pizza and still want more! Too bad that I have to share with five other guys but hey, they're my best friends and they're the reason why I'm here.

We even got to visit the Statue of Liberty! My manager paid for us to go so that I can take some shots for my modeling career and so that we can experience it. The sun was setting so the view would be amazing.

When we got in, it was breathtaking. We were so high up and we all took some pictures. I never realized how thankful I was to go on tour with the guys. They mean the world to me.
Time Skip back to the hotel

  We went back in our hotel room and I pleaded, "Will you give me your phones?"

The boys said yes and all handed me their phones. As I went through all their phones, they all had many pictures of me.

"Stalker much?" I muttered. Actually, I can't argue because I have many pictures of them in my phone as well.

  I then took a picture of myself on each of their phones and posted it on Instagram and captioned, "Hacked." I then handed back their phones.

  "Can't believe that tomorrow we have to leave for Ohio." Zach pouted.

  "Yeah but at least I can see how my family's hometown is like!" I cheered.

  "Wait what do you mean?" Daniel asked. The boys look confused.

  "My parents had Logan and Jake in Ohio but they then moved to y/b/p (Your birth place) and had me." I said pointing to myself. The guys made "ohhhhh" shapes with their mouths.

  "Well anyways it's getting late and we have to leave to go to the airport at 7:00 AM tomorrow and we need to pack our things so night guys!" I said.

  "Night everyone!" The others said and we all went to our rooms.

  I started packing my stuff and once I checked that I've left nothing behind, I plopped down on my bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

  Goodnight New York City
  Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that if you want your parents to be your parents for the story, then that's fine or you can go with Jake and Logan's parents. Same goes with your surname for the story. You can choose your actual last name or Paul. Anyways thank you for reading this chapter!🖤

Word Count: 1,166

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