Are we all High?

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Recap: The boys and I heard moaning and opened the door and saw...

~Daniel's POV~
We all opened the door and saw...

  Y/n and Corbyn eating pizza?

"Oh hey guys! You should try this pizza it's soooo good!" Y/n said with her mouth full. Awww

Curse our dirty minds
  "I know right we got food for all of us. New York pizza is legit." Corbyn said with his mouthful also. Everyone besides Y/n and Corbyn turned red in embarrassment because of what we thought.

                    ~Y/n's POV~
  The boys except Corbyn turned beet red for some reason so I decided to ask why.

  "Hey guys what happened?" I asked.

  "Oh i-it's nothing." Jack replied.

  "Please tell meeee!" I begged and gave the best puppy eyes I could do.

  "IT'S BECAUSE WE HEARD MOANING SO WE THOUGHT YOU WERE SMASHING WITH CORBYN!!!" Zach yelled as if it was the last thing he could say. Jack elbowed him and Zach said a loud, "OW." Corbyn and I turned into a deep shade of red. I felt my eyes turn yellow in embarrassment. I quickly tried to change them back.

  "Well this is awkward... conversation ended. New one began!" I said quickly. The boys nodded.

  "Let's watch a movie while eating!" Daniel said and we agreed.

  I drank my f/s (favorite soda) and when I felt it was light, I asked Jonah, "Hey Jonah be a good friend and share you soda with me"

  "Aww fine" He said and gave me it. I smiled and drank it happily.

  "Here you go!" I said and gave it back to Jonah. Some reason I felt super hyped after drinking it so I started jumping and dancing. The boys laughed and started dancing with me. Then realization hit me.

  "Are we high?" I asked and sat on the floor. I tilted my head sideways like Kong would do sometimes.

                  ~Corbyn's POV~
  We all laughed at what Y/n said. Though how is she so cute? She sat and tilted her head. Argh what is she doing to me?

  "Yeah we probably are high we shall stay awake a little longer or else we will get hangovers." Jack said. We laughed and said sure.

  "Hide and seek please!" Y/n said while raising her hand. Aww...

  "I am very humiliated by you guys saying I did "it" with Corbyn but I am now disgusted so Corbyn shall be seeker!" She said and pointed at me.

  "Oh fine" I said and counted to one minute. "Ready or not here I come!"

  I looked around the living room seeing if anyone dares to try being smart to hide in the same room as me. I found Y/n hiding behind the couch.


"Mind helping me out?" I asked and she nodded and went to look in Jack's room
  I went in the kitchen and heard slurping noises. I then saw Zach hiding behind a trash can eating the last slice of pizza while throwing away the empty cup.

  I went back to the living room with Zach and Y/n came in while dragging Jack.

  "I have found the Jack!" She cheered. We all split up to find Jonah and Daniel.

  "Hmm.. where would Jonah hide?" I mumbled. I looked in the bathroom and found Jonah in the shower. How does everyone hide in easy spots? Probably cause I'm the brainiac. Wait no it's just that everyone's dumb.
  "Guys I found him!" I called and Jack, Zach, and Y/n all came with Daniel.

~ Daniel's POV~
  "So what do you guys wanna do now now?" I asked.

  "Let's sing for Y/n!" Jack suggests.

  "Ooh yay!" Y/n cheered and we all sat on the couch. We decided to sing 8 letters acoustic to her.

If all it is is eight letters
Why is it too hard to say

And like that, Y/n fell asleep during the middle of the song. We carried her to her bed and tucked her in. Then, we all went to bed.


Hi everyone! I have decided to update one or more times a week. Hopefully at least two? If I do one I'll update every Monday and if two, I'll update Monday and Sunday. Hopefully more:) Anyways thank you all for reading this chapter!🖤

Word count: 730

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