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Recap: I want you to stay away from them. It's for the best.

~Y/n's POV~
"No way! They're my best friends and I won't let anything get in the way of our friendship."

"That's because you love them. If they were just friends, you would've thought about what I said and agree. Besides, it's obvious that you love them and it is pure evidence through the cameras that they love you too."

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Was it true?

"I wouldn't do that to my friends either! I would do anything for them, even if it would cost me my life."

"I know you guys are best friends, and I respect that, but you can't risk your life for them."

  "But I mean it!"

  "Sometimes you just have to let go. Ev-"

  And that's when I hung up. I was not going to do this to them. Never.

I sighed and went to sleep.

I woke up and tried my best not to think about last night, but I couldn't. Should I tell them about it?

I decided to tell them tonight.

  I got dressed and met the guys in the main room with D/n by my side.

~Zach's POV~
"Hey guys!" I heard an angelic voice call. We looked in that direction with Y/n smiling and waving with D/n by her side.

Something, however, looked a bit different. Almost as if she was... fake smiling.

She looked like that she had something on her mind since last night. She looked sad. I think the others could tell too since their faces fell a bit after seeing her .

"Are you guys.. ok?" She asked.

"Oh yeah we're fine!" I said quickly.

"We were just wondering about where we should go for our last day here." Daniel said. "We couldn't decide so we were going to ask you if you have anything in mind."

I wish that I could think of something to say to make Y/n happy like the others.

"Oh! I don't really care but maybe something relaxing but fun?" She asked. "It's your tour anyways."

"But we want to share our experience with you! You always pick the best activities to do." Corbyn said.

"Oh.. well I heard that there was a zoo a few blocks away. Maybe we can go there if you guys want to?" She suggested.

"If you want to I'm down!" Jack called. The rest of us nodded our heads in agreement and prepared to leave.

~Jonah's POV~
Y/n's manager somehow got us VIP tickets. Y/n had D/n on a leash and even though she is small, every time she saw an animal, she would bark and get close to it, sometimes dragging Y/n with her.

We were in a petting zoo petting and feeding animals. Y/n would smile every time an animal would go near her or when she is watching D/n and another animal play, but I could see some sadness in her eyes. Something tells me that she would tell us later so I didn't ask what's wrong. She would tell us anything, right?

We were in an aquarium area for VIP's. There was a section that we could pet and feed the dolphins if they come up while ther people can view them downstairs.

When one came up, Y/n picked D/n up and D/n started sniffing the dolphin. The dolphin splashed some water at her, along with Y/n. D/n shook her fur getting Y/n more wet.

"Ahhhh no!" Y/n screamed and laughed.

She's happy

We all took turns feeding the dolphin and then left. We then had some lunch of our own.

After about three hours of exploring the zoo more, we went back to the hotel.
Time Skip to later that night

~Jack's POV~
"Guys can you come to the main room?" Y/n called. I turned off my phone and went.

I met the others and they were all sitting on the couch except Y/n, who was standing up. I joined the others on the couch.

Y/n explained everything about a phone call she made last night. Everyone in the room was washed with a wave of sadness. We could tell that
Y/n was holding back tears, and so are we.

"She said that I had to stay away from you guys too." She croaked out.

What?! Y/n almost died twice and we could've died at the concert if it wasn't for Y/n. Now, we had to stay away from her?

"I'm sorry guys." Y/n said, letting a single tear fall and walked fast to her room, leaving the rest of us in the living room processing what she said.

Having her away from us is just like as if she was dead. Or I was. Nothing could keep her apart from me. If she dies, I'll die with her just so that I could go to heaven with her. If I gave her the world as a gift, it would be too little. She deserves everything.

Even though she had just explained every that happened to us, it feels as if it was really going to happen and that we'll never see her ever again.

Without her, we are not whole. We would become 5/6.


Word Count: 900

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