Ally & Lyndsey

814 19 6

Recap: And just like that, Y/n fell asleep.
                    ~Y/n's POV~
I woke up and remembered that the boys have their concert today. Then I remembered that I was going to meet Ally and Lyndsey today! I quickly changed into a cute but causal outfit and then did my hair and makeup.

  The concert starts at 4:00 PM but we needed to get there at 2 so the boys can prepare. I checked the time and it was 6:30 and went downstairs. I noticed that Jonah was the only one up.

  "Morning Jonah! Don't we need to wake the others up? It's 6:30" I asked.

  "It's a bit early but sure. I'll get Daniel and Jack while you get Corbyn and Zach." He said. I nodded and headed to their room.

  I opened the door and there laid Corbyn and Zach. They both looked so peaceful but I knew I had to wake them up.

  "Guys wake up you have a concert today!" I said cheerfully. Corbyn shot out of his bed while Zach kept laying their groaning.

  "It's only 6:34 why do we need to wake up this early?" Zach asked tiredly while rubbing his eyes.

  "So you can prepare and why not?" I replied and he got up slowly.

  "I saw Corbyn, Jonah, Jack, and Daniel in the kitchen. I decided to make breakfast for everyone.

  "Hey guys I got it. Are yogurt parfaits good for you guys?" I asked. The boys looked happy and nodded. Zach also came and waited in the kitchen with everyone else.

  "And Jonah can you give them drinks?" I asked and he nodded. I got the yogurt and sliced the strawberries. I put the yogurt into four separate bowls and added the strawberries and blueberries and gave them to the boys.

  While I was making breakfast, I noticed that there were not that many groceries in their kitchen so I decided to go shopping for groceries tomorrow with them after my photo shoot which starts at 9:00 AM.
Time Skip to 2:00PM
  It was time to go so we got in their tour bus(Don't ask how it got there 😂) and drove to the auditorium.

  We got there and the boys started getting their makeup on and started practicing. I heard that Ally and Lyndsey were going to get here at 3:47. I talked to the staff and mostly hung out with the guys.

  "Hey guys Ally and Lyndsey are here!" Bam Bam called. (In case if you don't know Bam Bam is Daniel's brother and he is the Why Don't We's road manager.)

  We all went to the room and there they stood, THE ALLY AND LYNDSEY WHO DID AN AMAZING THING TO HELP PEOPLE.

  They started screaming and we all exchanged hugs.

  "Hi girls I heard so much about you guys and you both did amazing things!" I told them and they smiled. We all got along well and exchanged numbers. They told me they are thinking of moving to LA so that would be cool.

  Then I realized that I haven't been in touch with Bella in a while so I decided to FaceTime her.

B=Bella A=Ally L= Lyndsey

Y/n  "Hey Bella! Sorry we haven't really talked in a while but I'm at the guy's concert in New York City!"

B  "Hey Y/n! That's so cool! I wish I can be there! I'm going to the their LA performance but that'll be in a while."

Y/n  "Ooh I hope to see you there! I'll see if I can get you backstage passes."

B  "Aw really? Thank you so so so much!"

Y/n  "Haha you're welcome. Anyways I'm not sure if you heard but there are two girls in New York name's Lyndsey and Ally and they have helped so many homeless people over the year!"

A & L  "Hi Bella!"

B  "Oh yeah I have heard of you guys! What you girls did is amazing! We all should hangout more!
*They exchange numbers

Y/n. "Oh yeah wait. BOYS GET YOUR A$$3$ OVER HERE!!!"

Wdw "Oh hey Bella! Ally, Lyndsey"

B: "omg hi!"

Y/n "Anyways the show is about to start. See ya later Bella!

B "Ok bye!"

I hung up and the boys were off getting to their places while Lyndsey, Ally, and I were sitting in a room ready to watch the guys perform.

"What's up New York City!" Daniel called in his microphone. The whole auditorium roared in response.

"First, we want to say that we have two special guests backstage with us named Ally as Lyndsey who helped many homeless people." The audience started clapping.

"And second, as many of you know our best friend Y/n who is also a model." The auditorium roared again.

"She is going on tour with us too." Corbyn said.
The performance is out of this world! Knowing that I get to hear them lots of more times is a dream come true. Soon, it was the last song.

"Now is our last song and we would like to invite Y/n up with us." Zach said.

No way.

"Get up there!" Ally said excitedly. I literally went sprinting up to the stage. When I came into sight, it was so much louder then backstage.

The boys started singing and I danced with them through the whole song.

"Again, this is our best friend Y/n and since this is her first time at our concert, we would like to confess something to her." Jack said.

"You've always been there for us saying nice things and encouraging us to do what we want. You never judged us for anything." Corbyn said

"You never cared about how famous or rich we are but you love us for who we are." Daniel quoted.

"Even though we mess up, you forgave us without having a second thought." Zach spoke.

"You are always there for us in our worst times and now we have to admit, a few of our songs are actually dedicated to you, like "8 letters" and "Cold in LA." Jack said

"You are our definition of a best friend." Jonah stated.

I started crying and the whole auditorium is louder than ever. We all got in a group hug.

This is literally one of the best days of my life. I love being me.

  But little did I know my eyes changed into pink

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading this chapter and how do you guys think about their new song? Anyways thank you all so much for reading this chapter!💜

Word Count: 1,111

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