The Return

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Lydia’s POV:  “Bye! I won’t be able to see you tomorrow, but I will try to see you wednesday…” I call out to Matthew, before turning around to run to the park, where I hope my sister will portal me.  I don’t give Matthew the chance to call back… I just run as the sky goes grey, and the clouds fill with the ocean water. Running, it starts to rain… becoming pours.

Jade… can you please portal me back home…

I wait a few minutes,taking the time to get under a covered table area, where mundane birthday parties are held for younger children. I’ve only seen them, not been to one.

Sure… just give me a minute to beat this sucker….

What are you doing?

Oh, playing soccer with Jake and Derek…

Ah, you and Jake are trying to beat Derek-

We are hoping to win… and we will.

Oh, ok…

I say this smiling. Derek is the jock of the family…your pretty lucky if you can beat him.

She calls for a timeout to draw a portal on a nearby tree. I smile as the blue green portal appears in front of me. I see her face in the blue, wavering light, that makes her hair appear almost brown instead of red.

Thanks Jade

I walk through and see that I am in the field behind the institute. I haven’t been back here in forever.

“Your welcome.”

She gives me a smirky smile, before placing her arm around my shoulder.

“So… did you have fun in that… thing you call a dress.”

She says this, with a disgusted expression. As usual. She wouldn’t be caught dead in anything pink (same for me) or anything that isn’t sweats, jeans, t-shirts, or sweatshirts.

You know me too well

Haha… yes I do

We start walking, arm in arm. I really enjoy these moments with Jade… I guess sometimes you have to have a dumb deal with your sister in order to see it. Though, either way, I’m still planning on going back in the training room today… after or before our deal.

Oh no… we aren’t doing the deal today; it’s for tomorrow.

“Oh, oh really… and for an hour?’ I say out loud… we don’t always need to speak in our heads, but Jade does is it anyway.

I enjoy it.

“Me too… well, I think I’m going to go up and-”

“Oh come on Lydi… just because I say that the hour of spending time with your one and only twin is tomorrow, doesn’t mean you have to go back up there now…”

I let out a sigh, moving myself in front of her, walking backwards toward the institute.

“But when if I simply want to.”

Shaking her head, Jade starts walking a little faster, almost stepping on my foot.

“You always go in the training room… I understand why, but there are still people here that care about you, and, you know that the clave is busy… but when they are done with their thousands of meetings, we are going to live with a different institute….”

Walking backwards easily, Jade’s eyes storm as she continues to walk forward with her short legs, in her best long strides.


The Next Generation (A TMI Story) COMPLETED- But May Be RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now