Father V/S Daughter

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We know this story is kind of slow moving.... we will try to speed it up.
oh, and Lily is not with us right now, but on an awesome camping trip... and will be back soon.
hope you like this next chapter.

Jace POV:I look at the punching bag Lydia was using. . . . . there was blood all over it. . . . She has been hurting herself. . . just like I used to. The thought of her doing this to herself was heartbreaking... especially when all you want as a parent is for your children to be safe, and better than you.

"Jace." I hear Alec say from the entrance of the training room. I keep staring at the punching bag. I kept thinking about all those years of trying to go back to her and Jade.. of all those years that my little girl had to live alone, without her parents. . . . . but I never put into realization until now, that my little girl is not so little anymore.

"Is that Lydia's blood?" He asks concerned. He has always been protective of everyone. "Where is she. do you know?" He asks. I shake my head, as he gives me a sad look in return

"Jade will know. come on." He says walking out of the training room probably off to Jade's room. I go out and he is waiting for me in the hall.

"You should go find Magnus and your kids. . . I got this." I say knowing he has been itching to go over to the apartment.

"You sure. . " He asks unsure, but with a glow in his eyes. I nod. He starts to jog down the hall to the front door. Once he's out of sight, I do the same in the other direction. I was prepared for a long hateful talk... I was ready for curses, and a possible physical attack. But that wasn't what bothered me... it was the fact that I wasn't here for five years to see them grow... and only to see them now as strong young... girls, who have a mind, and heart of their own, that I didn't get to see. I regretted leaving instead of being there for my girls. I wasn't expecting them to forgive, but I had a little hope that I could get to know them... to be with them now, for as long as I can.


Jade's POV: .... dang it. I was drawing the view from the window, trying to draw the

outline of the clouds, but the colors weren't blending together the way I thought they would. artist problems. I guess it was what happened with Lydia that just kept me from drawing the way I do. I just wasn't feeling it today.

Giving up, I toss the sketch book to the side, getting up to grab a book instead. 'The Dreamer'... one of my favorite book series.

on my way to my bed, I hear a knocking noise that startles me.

"Who is it?" I don't get a response, instead the door opens. The door opens slowly, and half of a face appears.. and that is all I needed to know who it was. My dad.

He opens the door wider. I am expecting him to run over and give me a hug, but all I can see is a sad smile, his hands interlaced.

The two of us just stand there.

My heart was racing a mile a minute, and I was sure he could here it. My dad is home... he's really home!

"D-dad....?" Somehow, I was able to speak. Somehow, I found myself moving towards him, and don't stop till we are together, where his arms wrap themselves tightly around me, as if I would disappear if he let go.

right then I feel tears fall, my sobs unable to stop as I hold him close. I didn't want to lose him again; I couldn't lose him again. I know he was gone for so long, but all I could really think of right at this moment was his strong arms, holding me the same way he once did before he left... he was my dad, and I Was his little girl. Lydia and I were his little girls.

The Next Generation (A TMI Story) COMPLETED- But May Be RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now