When the Darkness Comes

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Be rid of your demons.

Be rid of your fear of me.

Be rid of his temptation, and follow my lead.

Be rid of this life that was given to you,

For you deserve better with that little light in your dark.

Oh dear angel, I know it by heart.

Be Rid; Written by Anna-Banana-fangirl

Lydia POV: As soon as I step down the altar, the front door bursts open, a group of warriors in red storm in at the hundreds. I remember the stories that mother and father told. Jade and I would play out the entire thing as our parents, Derek and Rafael as the bad guys.

Now, It was nothing like that. It was real. and more than anything, I would gladly trade this for pretend. The endarkened shadowhunters that we thought were gone, came through with a grace that brought chills up my arms. Their red cloaks like a wave of blood. It felt like a warning sign, a sign to run the other way. But i'm a stupid Herondale that doesn't follow that instinct well. Instead, I jump down the five stairs, bringing my sword down as the first endarkened comes my way. His hood falls down to reveal a young male, close to my age, with black eyes and pale skin, brown hair too long to see where it ended under the corners of his robe.

His face was contorted in a forced grin. If Jade were here, she would probably say he looked constipated, or some shit like that.

Jade. she had to get to her now. But the guy was not willing to stop at any point soon. He was playing the offense, as I defended his blows over and over again. normally , I would have enjoyed this, but now, I wasn't in the mood. There was not enough time, and Jade was number one on my list.

I do a far ranged back flip, kicking off of a close by bench, landing right by the steps of the altar. The teen gave me what I believe was a growl, coming at me.

For the first time in my life, I run the other way as fast as I could, to get to the door leading to the crimson hallway.

I felt a hand grab my bow, pulling my back.

"Get the fuck off!" I yell, scrambling to free myself by kicking backwards, and elbowing whoever the fuck was behind me in the ribs.

"Stop it or I will break your arm!" it was a males voice, one that could never be mistaken. Derek. 

"Derek! Your an idiot.." I snap, smacking his arm away as I untangle myself from his grasp.

"I could have beat the hell out of you... never do that again if you want to be here for the next 400 years."

"Wow, that's all the time you think I'll be around? I feel so underrated."

"Well, if you do shit like that, I'm counting on seeing you in heaven or hell before me."

Not that I believe there was a heaven or hell, but it was true. He was stupid sometimes.

He rolls his eyes, giving me a devious glare.

"Fine. whatever you say blondy. Lets go."

I start running backwards, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Never call me that."

"Ok... blondale."


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