A song

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Welcome to our 14th  chapter! <(^-^)>  

I know this is totally off topic of the story, but if you didn't know, air of queen and darkness is coming soon!  in three months! I know, no one wants to wait any longer.., the end of Lord of Shodows litterally killed us (tears). Why!!! * I won't go on since I don't want to spoil* 

. oh, and I should have said this every chapter but this story is based off of the Mortal instruments series that was written by Cassandra Clare... *Judith Lewis. her real name*        ( I'm sure most of you know this, just wanted to be sure) 

have fun reading *evil laugh because all authors have evil plans* enjoy  :) 

Lydia's POV: in Jade's room, i start helping her pick up the big mess she left that morning and the day before.

. We clean her room in awkward silence.  She keeps on with her picking up clothes and colored pencils, as I place her drawing books on the shelf- exactly as they were placed before the commotion. Jade always had her things perfectly organized to her liking.... over time, it's been something I tend to remember by heart without really thinking about it.

 After 20 some minutes, the sound of nothing starts to make me crazy....  me to have the heavy silence just hang there for that long with Jade NOT talking is odd. So I pause what I'm doing and grab my phone out of my pocket. I go onto spotify and start to play the Wicked Soundtrack (Original cast recording).

"Really Lyd?" Jade asks looking at me with a smile working its way to the corner.


I start singing along to the lyrics, as jade ( in her head) tries not to.

Dancing to the awesome song, i place books onto her shelf, and move her star wars dummy to its original corner in the room.

Then Defying Gravity comes on and I drop everything and sing my heart out. And Jade just rolls her eyes at me while I do this. I sing both parts

[GLINDA, spoken]

"Elphaba, why couldn't you stay calm for once

Instead of flying off the handle!

I hope you're happy


I hope you're happy now

I hope you're happy how

You've hurt your cause forever

I hope you think you're clever

[ELPHABA, spoken]

I hope you're happy


I hope you're happy too

I hope you're proud how you

Would grovel in submission, to feed your own ambition


So though I can't imagine how

I hope you're happy right now"

"Lydia ... you almost done with that song?"

[GLINDA, spoken]

"Elphie, listen to me. Just say you're sorry!" I continue, without answering. She gives me a sigh, before placing her art books on her other shelf.


You can still be with the wizard

What you've worked and waited for

The Next Generation (A TMI Story) COMPLETED- But May Be RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now