where we Rise

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"In order to rise

 From its own ashes

 A phoenix




" ― Octavia Butler, Parable of the Talents

"And you," Ty continued, his voice breaking. 

"You're a phoenix, Zane.

 Rising from the ashes. 

And all I do is make you burn."

Zane's throat was too tight to swallow past, and his next

breath came out a choked sob. He had never imagined that

was how Ty saw him, and hearing it now made him want to

take back every harsh word they'd ever shared, every thrust

and parry of their relationship."

― Abigail Roux, Touch & Geaux

When I read this, I think of Ty and Kit when they will finally resolve their problems after Queen of Air and Darkness*ldkfjkdfjjlkf talks to self to avoid spoils* . Please let them be friends again and later be soul mates <3 anyway.... back to story. :) enjoy. 

Jason POV: it was not an end or a beginning. It was something much different than that. It wasnt a battle or a war. It was something much worse than that. This was not how I pictured my escape. I never thought anyone would die, or that Jonathan would actually leave this world. I close my eyes facing the sky, my arms held out to feel it. Freedom. It was true, I was free. But, I couldn't manage a smile or a cry of happiness as I always thought I would. There was death today. There was loss. So much loss for the one person that stood right at the edge of the woods on the other side of field. I didn't have to look to know she was there. I just knew.

I walked through the bodies that were caught in Jonathan's torture. In his blood. They didn't deserve this, I know. I know all Jonathan said about shadowhunters was a lie, that they were just people that called themselves heroes and gods. That they could barely save their own, and they could never save me. That no one could. And I believed because I knew then that he couldn't lie. Greater demons don't lie to mortal people, they trick them just like fairies do.

But, I had hope.

And here I was, walking among shadowhunters that fell in only minutes.

But that doesn't mean they would never rise again. I was once told I had something inside me that made me different.

I take another step.

Something that could fight evil, or save it.

And another, over Clary's body that laid their. I look at her for a moment, doing my best to keep myself from feeling anything at the sight. She didn't have red hair anymore, or any color other than black. But the shape of her was clear enough to know. To know it was my mother.

I remember when Jonathan said I was his son, or in other words, he saved me from a darker world. That was a lie. He saved me from a better one. But I also remember what I saw in Lydia's eyes that gave me this knowledge. My powers were strange and came in different ways. But I saw in her eyes what she was afraid of; her sister leaving her forever. She was strong and true. I knew I could trust her. But I also saw something else in her, I saw myself . I could hear her voice and her sisters thoughts like they were mine. I could see Jace and Clary beside them in family photos when they were young... and a young me watching them from a distance, wating. Waiting to be called in to join them. But they don't because they can't see me. Then, I knew. I knew who I was. I was a Herondale that wasn't home.

The Next Generation (A TMI Story) COMPLETED- But May Be RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now