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Sawamura's POV

It's Miyuki-Senpai's birthday today, I don't know what to give him though, Everybody already buy some gifts for him while I still don't know what to give him, Oh another thing, I like that tanuki bastard, but don't tell him!, I don't want to ruin our friendship and our perfect battery, also I don't want to get rejected and then things would get awkward an then...

"Eijun-kun?!?!, are you alright?!, your panicking got worse and worse every minute" Haruichi said while looking at me clearly worried

"Yeah!, It's just I don't know what to give Miyuki-senpai for his birthday" I said now panicking again

"Oh, you would give him something?" Haruichi said with wide eys, eh....urm... I think since I can't see his eyes

"Of course!, I may not call him senpai but that doesn't mean I don't respect him and also because he's my friend" I said while I hit my chest to emphasize my point

Nobody knows that I like him, not even Kuramochi-Senpai, not even my own friends, I literally mean no one, I didn't even come out of the closet yet, but anyway I know I'm hopeless since Miyuki-Senpai got girls dying over him, I mean whenever were in the bullpen practicing, sometimes all girls go their to take pictures of him and give him something or just plainly watch him, which may or may not make me jealous, girls from left to right confess to him and I wouldn't lie, they are beautiful

I wish I could get over him, because everyday I get hurt but at the same time he have me wrap around his finger that no matter what, I always come back to him and it's frustrating

I really want to move on from him but I don't know how, I hate him, he hurts me emotionally, unknowingly, unconsciously

I even try liking Wakana but NO!, he just have to make something that makes me like him more!, he's frustrating I tell you!

"Didn't know this would be this hard to give a gift to the person you like" I mumbled under my breath, but it looks like Haruichi hear this since he look at me blushing and said "You like Someone Eijun-kun?!"

Everyone look at us since Haruichi blurted that out loud drawing attention

"Oi!, is it true Sawamura?!, Who is it that you like huh?!" Kuramochi-Senpai said getting nervous I said "Um... Kuramochi....Senpai" too late! He kicked me in the thighs

"Sa~wa~mu~ra~, who is it that you like?" Then Ryosuke senpai chop my head with his right hand

"Um... No....One" I said kinda nervous cause all of them are looking at me as if interviewing me with their accusing looks

"It's really No One I promise!!!!" I shouted, then I heard someone I don't want to hear especially with what my case is now

"Oh~ Who is it Sawamura, I didn't know that a loud mouth idiot person like you can still have time for love when were so busy" Miyuki-Senpai said it with a teasing look but kinda serious and angry tone "You know you should just practice instead of doing nonsense" he added with a now cold tone then he leave without another word

Everyone together with me look at his retrieving figure with a questioning look, No doubt that they all have the same thought as me

'What's up with Miyuki'


It's now night and I can't sleep, still thinking about what to give Miyuki-Senpai for his birthday tomorrow, we would be surprising him, meaning we eould give him his presents by night, no one would greet him, everyone would act like its no one's birthday and like what I said, I don't know what to give him, so I decided to go outside and bring my phone with me

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