Bonus {Epilogue}

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A/N: hey guys! This would be the last chapter of Voodoo Doll, this chapter is suggested by Rika0828, I'm sorry though it's not exactly what you suggested 😔

Enjoy! ~


Sawamura's POV

It's been a month since me and Miyuki, I mean Kazuya (he becames annoying when I don't call him that) started going out, dating or whatever, nothing really change except for the fact that Kazuya started spending more time together with me, he sits on our table and sometimes chat with my friends (well mostly him being sarcastic and a complete nag whenever Furuya ask him to catch for him, which definitely doesn't make me say that Miyuki should catch for me instead of Furuya)

Nothing really change

Except for Yakuza being a complete bitch, well before after maybe a week or two with a closure from Kazuya (she might be a bitch but she at least, deserve that) she leave us alone and congratulate us (while shredding a tear or two) everything is peaceful

If not for the fact that I have to sing in front of the class because they heard that I can sing


It was a peaceful day (if we ignore Kazuya teasing me and me being pissed about it), after me and Kazuya part ways (I don't know why or how but people know we're dating), I arrived at my classroom only to be met with an apologetic look from Haruichi, a stare from Furuya and a sparkly smile from my classmates

It turns out that Haruichi and Furuya are talking about what happened before Kazuya's birthday and my classmates (hating me) overheard that I can sing, ask Haruichi if it's true and Haruichi (secretly hating me) said that it's true and Furuya (who really hates me) show them the video.


Now here I am, in front of the class (the teacher is still not here), waiting for them to decide what they want me to sing

"Um.. I really can't sing..."

"Oh Shut Up, we saw the video! Come on Sawamura, just once!!!"

I look at Furuya and said "This is all your fault! You're sabotaging me so that you can be the next ace aren't you?! You plan on making me embarrassed to the point where I can't go to the mound huh?"

Furuya only stare at me before saying "Yeah That's right"

Pissed, I said "Fine! I'll show you! What song do you want me to sing?!?"

My classmates cheer and simultaneously said the songs that they want me to sing until someone shouts

"Treat You Better!"

All of my classmates turn silent and one by one agree to the song that is suggested

"Alright then! You better listen! Especially you Furuya!"

And of course he ignored me, well whatever let's start

"Treat You Better"

🎶I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you
And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want
And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation
And anytime you want it to stop

I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crying
When you should be with me instead
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can

I'll stop time for you
The second you say you'd like me to
I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing
Baby, just to wake up with you
Would be everything I need and this could be so different
Tell me what you want to do

'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crying
When you should be with me instead
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can

Better than he can

Give me a sign
Take my hand, we'll be fine
Promise I won't let you down
Just know that you don't
Have to do this alone
Promise I'll never let you down

'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crying
When you should be with me instead
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can

Better than he can

Better than he can🎶

My classmates, wide eyed, stared at me like I'm an angel

"That was.."

and  the next thing I know, they were clapping

Until our teacher open the door and scolds us for being noisy


It's lunch time

Kazuya is here with us again (like always) and I was about to tell him what happen earlier on the classroom when suddenly, one of my classmate go to our table and said

"Sawamura! I can treat you better" with a smirk, my face only turn red and I look down, he's teasing me

"What?" I look beside me and saw Kazuya smiling, it's quite obvious he's pissed

'Oh Sh!t'

My classmate look at Kazuya beside me and his eyes widen "I.. I'm.."

Kazuya is still smiling at him

"I was... I was just...."


"I'm sorry I was just teasing him because of.."

I only pull Kazuya's sleeve which made him look at me, while (still smiling) saying

"What does he mean Sawamura?"

Then I explain (ranted) everything to him, my classmate is long gone and Kazuya is only staring at me before laughing

"That's pretty hilarious, Nice going Kominato, Furuya"

I only stare at him and with a pout, I said "It's not funny!"

"It so is"

I only stare at him before smirking, "You look like you didn't find it funny earlier"

Which made him stop laughing and get silent

I smirk befor saying "That's what I thought" and continue eating

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