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Sawamura's POV

Since that day, I continue on like nothing happen, like I didn't read Miyuki's messages, like I didn't get my heart broken for a second time.

I continue on like nothing happen, exchanging witty banters with Miyuki, practicing with Miyuki, nothing really change though.

I, well we, are talking to Hiro more, surprisingly, Miyuki is talking to him, acting like he really like Hiro.

I never tell Miyuki that I read his messages of course, after all, it would mean that I snoop around his phone, we would be leaving tomorrow and go back to Seidou, surprisingly, the month seems to pass fast, it's been a month since I confess to him, it's been a month since he rejected me and hurt me.


It's been months since that happen and look at where we are. He would reject me again and he would introduce his girlfriend again, although this time, I won't tell him that I like him, so that even though it hurts, I could pretend like it doesn't affect me, so that when I see them together again, it would appear like I've already move on from him.

Even though it kills me inside, even though I want him to hold me close, even though I want him to kiss me, to touch me, to... to say that he loves me, but sadly, that won't happen, that would just be nothing but a fantasy, a fantasy that I know.. would never became a reality.


"Did you already pack everything Sawamura?" Miyuki asks

I rolled my eyes at him and said "Already done, how many times should you ask me that? Geez, too excited to go back?" and be with her? I thought sadly

Miyuki only laugh and said "I just wanna make sure that you wouldn't leave anything behind, knowing you, you can be such a dense idiot"

Glaring at him, I said "What do you mean by dense idiot?!"

Smirking, he said "Means that you probably missed something and you would only realize that you do when we're back"

Frowning, I said "and what do you mean think I would forget?"

He smirks at me before shaking his head and ignoring me, pouting, I turn away feom him and re-check my belongings, just in case I forgot anything, I heard Miyuki laughing at the back but I ignore him, still

'What does he mean by dense?'

In his speech earlier, all I could agree on is idiotic but not dense

"Stupid Miyuki" I mumbled


A/N: Hey guys! Short Chapter but still I hope you enjoy it, I'm sorry I've been inactive for a while (a lot) it's just school, I'm also thinking if I'll make it sad or a happy ending, anyways I have a question for you

What do you think of Miyuki?

That's all, thank you for reading, voting and commenting, have a nice day!! Peaze out V( ^ _ ^)

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