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Sawamura's POV

~Before the fight~

After I'm done taking a bath and was fully dress, I head to the dorm, Miyuki is still on the bathhouse, I head out earlier than him

While I'm getting ready to go to sleep, I was about to climb up the ladder and sleep, well was, until I heard my phone ring

I look at it and get it, 'Who would text me at this time?'

"Haruka" I mumbled, I open my phone


I have to say....
Something to you


What is it Haruka?


I saw
I saw


You saw?


I saw Yakuza kissing Tomoya
on their classrom at lunch



"That can't be possibly true..." I was about to text her again when I suddenly hear the door to our room, close shut, making me flinch

I turn around and saw Miyuki standing there, with a smirk

"Hey Sawamura! What are you doing texting Wakana or... Haruka?"

'How should I tell him?' I thought

"What would you do if....if you found out that Yakuza is cheating on you?" I told him without looking at him


"I should've said it like that" I sigh

I look at the Devlin team members and said "It's fine now, I'm sorry for the trouble"

They all ask me if I'm really alright and if I'm Ok, I just said "Yes" and "I'm fine" they all, reluctantly left

'At least he already knows it sooner than later'

I climb up the ladder and just think and possibly, maybe, waited for Miyuki to come back

Why would she even do that?, She already have what everyone wants to have, She already have what.... What I wanted to have.... So why did she let him go?

I patted my pocket for my phone but I froze when I didn't feel it, I sit up on my bed and head down

I hurriedly look at the phone, Maybe, Please, I hope it just fell on the floor, I look left and right, I even crawled!, but to no avail

I hurriedly put on a shoes and bolted out

'Miyuki still have my phone!'

He cannot see that, Just please don't let him see that

I arrive at the field to take a breath and decided to take a rest, I still can't find Miyuki!

I was about to give up and head back to the dorm thinking that he's there, when I saw him sitting on the grass, hiding his face on his legs while gripping my phone on his outstretched hand

I contemplated whether or not should I come near him

'He probably needs someone right now'

I thought, then I go near him and sit beside him

"Hey-" I was about to greet him but he cut me off by pulling me towards him and hugging me real tight


I was about to ask him what he was doing when I suddenly felt something, something is dripping on my back

'Is it raining?'

It took me a while to realize that he's crying, but when I realize that, I hug him back and patted his back, comforting him

'If I can't be your happiness then, I'll be your crying shoulder'


Thank you for reading, voting and commenting, have a nice day ( ^ _ ^ ) V

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