<<V. D. >> ⚾️⚾️⚾⚾⚾⚾⚾⚾⚾

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Miyuki's POV

Weeks later...

Sawamura is still the same as before, though he and that girl named Nagura I think, they always hang out, laugh as if the world only revolves around them, flirt IN FRONT OF EVERYONE like it's alright, sit TOO close like it's the most natural thing to do in the world, like they belong in each other's arms.

Hey Its not like I'm watching them or staring at distance and scowling at them, or critizing their relationship and think that they don't fit each other, It's not like I'm glaring daggers at that girl's direction and wish for her to fall off the stairs whenever she would use them or for the ground to eat her so that she would disappear, it's not like I'm wishing for her to suddenly not wake up, it's not like I'm wishing for her to suddenly fall off the building or for the railings on the rooftop to break whenever she's leaning there, It's not like I'm wishing that their relationship fail, it's not like those things, I'm just observing them and I can see it from my place in the canteen, Hey.. I'm not jealous Ok?

–––>💔< –––

At Practice....

"Nice pitch, Furuya" I shouted as I practice with the ace, I'm his designated catcher since the coach think that I'm the captain or something but really, It's because I'm his catcher since before he became the ace

Sawamura is practicing with whoever catcher, the hell is his name, he's loud and act like he use too, derpy if you ask, he acts like a dork, anyway Kawakami is also practicing his pitches, Haruichi and the rest are either practicing their batting while the others are practicing their fielding, coach is observing them and helping them

Nothing really change, I think, Who am I kidding? Even all of our teammates notice it

Something change and that something is Sawamura, He became respectful of me, I admit I. Like it but he's different, I don't feel the bond we have before, he became silent around me, he just nods, listen to whatever I say when were practicing, no words were spoken around us, well in him, it's not like us before, he calls me senpai, he doesn't argue with me anymore, he rarely speaks to me

I should be glad right? but no, I'm glad he even talk to me, outside of our practice he doesn't talk to me, his eyes became dead when he saw me, he even bows, he's different, I hate it

One time Kuramochi ask me what's up with Sawamura, I told him that I don't know, of course I'm lying, I don't even know that he remembers it, I mean he have atleast 12 drinks that night, yeah I'm watching him, but that's just because I don't want anything to happen to him, I'm his senpai after all, but when he is singing, I mean mouthing the words, I admit I could watch that everyday, just because its funny, Ok I admit, its because he's entertaining, he even dance and wink a little at the audience that make them either blush or cheer louder, It makes my blood boil, Don't know why though

I can't help but notice that Sawamura is not Sawamura without the loudness, the energy, the loud responses, the spirit lifter, the dorky expression, the idiotic actions, the determine aura, the life in his eyes but especially, Sawamura is not Sawamura when he respects me, when he bow down to me, when he doesn't talk to me, when he doesn't force me to be his catcher and lastly when Sawamura just agrees to whatever I'm saying

"Miyuki, Catch Sawamura's pitches, that's enough for today Furuya" I heard Coach shouted

I feel it again, the nervousness that slowly creep inside of me making my insides tingle, the anxiety that I feel whenever he say that line, whenever I would catch his pitches, It would be a silent practice again, only my voice and the sound of the ball hitting the mitt could be heard

"Yes Coach" I answer with a sigh that escape from my lips, another thing that I notice is that Sawamura is..... Sawamura when he's around everyone but when it comes to me the "Sawamura" that everyone knows suddenly dissolves and slowly being replace by the "Sawamura" that I know and play with

"Um..... Sawamura... Let's.... Go?" I said a bit uncomfortable speaking since he only answers me with a nod either yes or no or he's making sure that his answers were short as f^(k and requires only less talk as sh!t, he doesn't even rant the (r@p out whenever I say something to him, well bad things or criticize his pitching, he only look at me and try to do things better or improve it

I ask for an inside pitch that he, I think, gladly comply to, he's getting better and better for each passing day "Nice Pitch Sawamura...." I shouted which he just ignored

We practice for a long time before coach told us that we have enough for today, Sawamura just leave without saying a word, I was disappointed to say the least, he still doesn't talk to me, I was in the process of removing my gears when Sawamura suddenly appear and said "Thanks for the practice Miyuki-senpai" he then bows and leave

He always thank me after we practice, I don't hate it but I don't exactly like it too, I saw him leave and I let out a sigh

"Who knows, having Sawamura ignores you when you both are so close could be complicated" I mumbled to myself "it's because of that girl" I continued

"So care to tell me what happens exactly?" I almost jump out of my skin when I heard someone said it

Turning my head I saw Kuramochi leaning against the wall at the dark, he cocked his eyebrows at me and look at me, the look that says I-knew-something's-up-so-you-better-told-me-everything

I let out a sigh and started explaining, starting from the start, from the way when I saw Sawamura on the bar, the feeling that I feel when I saw Sawamura and his bullsh!t girlfriend, when I confronted him, Sawamura's response, up till today, while I'm telling this, Kuramochi was just listening intently, when I'm finish I look at him and said

"You're so wrong Miyuki... Why did you even say those things to him?!?!?... I understand him you know.... But I think you like Sawamura.... cause you sound jealous to me" I look at him as if he just grown two heads

"Me?!? Huh?!? You must be kidding! I have a girlfriend!, people loves me!, I don't like Sawamura! He's the one who likes me!" I shouted kinda defensively if you ask me

He just look at me and said "That doesn't mean his "like" for you wouldn't dissolve, remember his world doesn't revolve around you, Sakaki is helping him forget you, you know I confronted him and told him that whatever he's feeling for her are attraction and you know what he said? he said that what he's feeling for YOU are attraction but never, NEVER Sakaki"

I feel a pang of hurt in my chest when he said that and thoughts filled my head, involuntarily

'What if Sakaki really make Sawamura like her?'

'What about me?'

'He's just feeling attraction to me? Why not Sakaki?'

'Why am I even having this thoughts?'

'I think I should make up with Sawamura'

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