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Miyuki's POV

Me and Sawamura head out and walk together to the bus stop.

"Bye Sawamura, Miyuki" I hear Hiro said, he's in the bus stop together with their coach.

I saw Sawamura smiled at Hiro and I just smiled too.

"Yeah, the next time that we met, it would be on the field, you better prepare yourselves to lose" I  stated while smirking.

"Likewise" replied Hiro while smiling.

Out of every team that we go to and every teammates that we've encountered, I, for once, met someone that I guess I could call a friend? Hiro is just different from the past members that Sawamura and I met.

I saw Sawamura go inside the bus already and I was about to go too when Hiro suddenly go near me and I immediately know that he wanted to talk to me, a few second or so of silence before he finally spoke, "You like Sawamura don't you?"

Startled, I stare at Hiro for a while, not speaking, until he spoke again "It's quite obvious, denying it would be pointless" Hiro said while smiling

I smiled back at him and said, "Yeah, I guess"

Hiro, still smiling, look at me with one of his eyebrow raised, and said "You guess?"

"Yeah, I guess it's quite obvious" I replied while chuckling a bit "Obvious to everyone but him"

At this, Hiro laugh and said "Yeah, I guess Sawamura is really dense"

I chuckle and said "Well, I'll get going now then" Hiro also chuckle and said "Sure, Don't want to keep him waiting now do you?"

I smirk, getting the second meaning behind it, I walk inside the bus and saw Sawamura with his earphones in and looking down on his phone

Approaching him, I stop in front of him and he look up, he look so cu-, I mean, Well no point denying it, I put my hand on his seat and just stare at him for a second or so, I wonder how his lips would feel

While staring at his eyes, I lean towards him, our nose are nearly touching from how close we are to each other, I wonder.

Sawamura's face turn red and his eyes widen "Um.. Miyuki.. Senpai?"

'No, Not yet'

In one swift moment, I took one of his earphone out and place it on my ear,

"You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose"

"Nice song, didn't know you like this kinds of songs" I said to him before I remove the earphone in my ear and place it back on his,  standing straight, I smirk before sitting next to him.

I look at Sawamura and saw that he's just sitting next to me, frozen, 'Great, Nice Going Miyuki, you probably scare him or something'

"You alright Sawamura?"

Blinking, he just look at me and nod 'Great, think of something to say'

"You're awfully obedient today"

Sawamura just ignore me and instead, he just look out of the window. 'Maybe it's best to leave him alone for now,

I sigh and said "Alright then" and silence befall us

' Now, how could I get Sawamura to like me more'


I'm still thinking about the conversation that me and Hiro had. Don't want to keep him waiting huh, lost in thoughts, I get startled when something bump into me, well more like someone, looking beside me, I saw that Sawamura is sleeping and he have his head laying on my shoulder.

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