<< V. D. >> 14

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Sawamura's POV

The team members of the Devlin team are really good! They talk to us and even offered us to join them on the table!

"They were nice to talk to don't you think?" I look at Miyuki who is scowling and who knows what

He turn to me as if I said something so offensive and said

"Yeah they are so nice! I had fun talking to them!" he said with a sarcastic tone and after he said that he just continued scowling

I stop walking and turn to face him "What the heck is your problem?"

I look him in the eyes when I ask that and he too, stops walking, then he turn to face me and said with his right eye twitching

"You didn't notice"

I turn my head slightly to the left and said "Notice what?"

He sigh and mumbled quietly "You really are an idiot"

But not too quietly since I heard him

"What did you say?!?"

I shove him, he turn to me angry or kinda just pissed off and said, well mkre like shouted

"I said that you really are an idiot! Didn't you notice?!? They were all f^(king flirting with you!"

I turn silent, he never and I mean never, look this serious and angry, I've only seen this look once, and that is when I insulted Chris-senpai and like that time, I was stunned, dumbfounded, silent

He sigh again, turn around and mumbled something under his breath


"I said...." he turn his face to the side and from his back I can see thay he's giving me a side glance

"... I don't like it"


I finished showering and changing so now I'm laying awake on my bed, Miyuki is on his own place (below me of course), sleeping, but I couldn't be too sure

What he said is still lingering on my mind

"I said.... I don't like it"

I turn to the side and face the wall while hugging a pillow

"Why did you say that you bastard?, What do you mean by that?"

With this in thought I fall asleep and dream of me and Miyuki

A dream where I didn't have to face the harsh reality of life, a dream where I can have who or whatever I want

'Yeah, I still like Miyuki'

...... sorry Haruka

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