<<V.D.>> ⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️

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I know I should be at Seidou but I want to hang out with Haruka more, yup we're on first name basis but still, I hang out with my friends chit chat a bit, text Haruka, hang out with her, take her home, sleep, wake up and do it all over again, My friends already know her and they also like her, they teases us and it makes Haruka blush while I chuckle

I decided to call Coach and told him that I would go home on Tuesday, we don't have a match so its fine

"Hello.... Yes Coach it's me...... Yeah I'm sorry but I can I skip practice today..... Yeah I promise I would go home on Monday afternoon....Really?!?!...... Thank you Coach!"

Yes! He said Yes!, I would hang out with Haruka more before I leave, I was thinking maybe I should offer her a song since she became a good friend of mine, MINE!, I mean we became good friends

"Sh!t something's wrong with me" I mumbled to myself

I spotted Haruka on the swing swinging lightly while deinking an orage juice, I decided to scare her so I go behind her, my fave inches from her ears and

"Boo" She screamed and hit me repeatedly "Ouch!, Ouch! Stop, Sorry, I'm sorry I won't do it again" I said while laughing at her

"Eijun! don't scare me again!" She said while pouting cutely, I just want to kiss her but I didn't, because she doesn't feel the same way"

"Wanna go on a bar?" I ask her

She look at me weirdly before she replied with "We're underage Eijun, we shouldn't and couldn't go to the bar"

I smiled at her and said, "Ok then how about.... A restaurant?" She smiled and said yes

So off we go to the restaurant

I stop walking making her stop too, "*Sigh* I'm going home later, on the afternoon, I would back to Seidou, so before I leave I want to do something special for you, I just hope you like it" she nodded and said

"I'm actually going home tomorrow too and my departure would also be on the afternoon, Actually it's supposed to be today but I want to hangout with you more so yeah" I smiled at her and said "Me too"

We laugh at this as we go inside the restaurant, Inside you could see red balloons with a mix of pink, red and pink petals, rose petals to be exact, nobody is inside but there's a candle on every center of the table there

She gasp then look at me then inside then me again, I smiled at her as she smiled back and said "Eijun...."

"Hope you like it.... It maybe weird since we only know each other for a short period of time but consider it a date so..... Would you be my date?" I ask smiling slyly, I notice that when I'm with her I became serious, I always smila and I become so happy

She shyly smile and bit her bottom lips that make me stare at it, before laughing and saying "Silly, it's already prepared, why not!, Like what I said on the train, I would not reject you"

We both smile while I chuckle at her and we eat, the waitress serve our food which consists of anything and everything she likes, she look at me and her eyes are shining with delight, I just smile and we eat, while we were eating I suddenly stand up making her look at me but I assure her with a smile

I go on the front or the center or whatever, and get a microphone

"Haruka, you are one of the best thing that happen to me, I hope probably not today, not tomorrow but someday, someday you become my girlfriend, I like you for a short period time, I like you so much, I don't know why, I don't know how' I don't know when, but I know one thing, and that is I'm glad that I did and I would express it by offering you a song, I hope you like it"

The lights were off and a sort of Christmas light lit behind me and onto the ceiling, hanging like fireflies, she look at me with adoration and smile, that's all I need, as a song was played I started singing my heart out for her

Can't Help Falling In Love

🎶Wise men sing
Only fools rush in
But I can't help, falling inlove with you🎶

🎶Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling inlove with you🎶

🎶Like a river flow
Surely to the sea
Darling so it grows
Somethings are meant to be🎶

🎶Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help, falling inlove with you🎶

As the instrumental part comes, I take her by the hand and dance with her, swinging her, swaying, I hold her by the waist as she hold me in the shoulders, I was looking at her eyes the whole time as she did too

🎶Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it grows
Somethings are meant to be🎶

🎶Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling inlove with you🎶

🎶For I can't help falling inlove with you🎶

As the song ended our lips meet, sparks ignite, goosebumps appear, eyes are close, as the world around us begun to blur, as we parted, we look each other in the eyes and smile while saying

"I love you"

We leave and go in our own house but not before waving each other goodbye, I may or may not  peck her lips that may or may not make her blush


We go inside the train as we wave goodbye to our friends, we were holding hands as Haruka blush

I would miss her but we would still stay in contact, Oh I almost forgot to ask her

"What school are you in?"

"Seidou school" she replied instantly

"Wha?" I ask, mouth wide open while she giggle and said "I'm a softball player remember?, Mr. Southpaw"

(A/N: Let's just pretend Seidou also have a softball and they give scholarship for softball players, Ok? 😸)

I smirk at her and chuckle, She's too cute for her own good, I really do like her

"You know, I think I'm really bi, only for you though" As I said this, I smirk at her and watch as she blush

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