<< V.D.>> ⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️

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Man I want to get wasted

Yeah I shouldn't, I'm still a minor, but seeing your crush flirting with his girlfriend, IN FRONT OF YOU, can break your heart

Here's what happen


After we make out we headed out to our class, but not before introducing my girlfriend to my friends and my friends to my girlfriend, you get it right?

Anyway when we got there I barely pay attention since my mind got clouded with THOSE thoughts again

Shaking my head, I tried paying attention to my teacher, Better pay attention for a better future right?



I sit on my usual sit with my usual friends, but without Haruka, she also have her own sets of friends, she probably miss them too

As I get my lunch and sit, Haruichi sit beside me and get too near to me, making me move slightly to get a safe distance

"What- What are you doing Haruichi?" I ask him with a face that says You're-Creeping-Me-Out

"Oh!, Nothing!, I just wanted to see if I could know what you're feeling right now, cause you know, they say that the eyes is the window to your soul, you can lie through your mouth but you can't lie with your eyes" he said while still staring at me, he's actually pretty weird and he's making me comfortable

"Haruichi, please stay back, your creeping me out" but he didn't bulge so I just sigh and look at him, the look that says, what's-going-on?, but he just shrug and said nothing

When I didn't bulge from what I'm doing, he sigh but still said nothing, I was about to look for something when Furuya suddenly said

"I'm going to be the ace!" He said it out of nowhere, I know something is wrong but I still said "No your not!, I am!"

"Ughh I ran out of juice!", I was about to get some when Haruichi suddenly said "You could just drink Mine!" But I just stare at him, he's sweating and that's when I notice he's hiding something, and that something is just behind him

So I hold his head and move him out of the way, well his head at least, but he slam his hands on my eyes, too late

I already saw it..

There on the middle of the cafeteria, Miyuki and his girlfriend getting all too touchy, they are giggling and laughing like no one is there

My heart clench and I look at Haruichi and Furuya "Guess I should have just listen to both of you"

They look at each other, then look at me and smile a sympathetic smile, which I return with a sad one


Yeah!, Welcome to my pathetic life!

So here I am sitting on a bar, alone!, Don't ask me how I got inside, that's why they have those things called Fake I.D.

After having an, I don't know, at least good 5+ drinks, I finally numb the pain, so now drunk, I go in the stage and grab the microphone and shouted,

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