<< V. D >> 22

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It's been a week since we got here, so it means that it's time for us to leave, I enjoy being here and so it's kinda hard for me to leave since I got close to the team members here

They are sending us off, meaning they are here with us, the coach and the the members, in the bus stop where the bus that leads us to our next destination is waiting

"We would miss having you with us Sawamura!" Touma said

"Me too!!" I replied

Souto smiled at me and said "The next time that we met it would be in the field, we are looking forward to that"

I smirk and said "Yeah! We'll make sure we would win so you better prepare"

Then they laugh, I laugh with them of course

"Come on Sawamura or we would be late!"

That bastard can't wait, can he?

All he did was glare at my friends the whole time that we're here, I mean, he doesn't have to be competitive, we are teammates at that time and it's not like we're on a match, so he doesn't have any reason to act like that towards them

"Yeah! Coming!"

I look at the Devlin team and said goodbye, which they return with see you

And off we go to our next team that we would be spending the next week in

When I entered then bus, I saw Miyuki frowning while texting on his phone, though he quickly smiled and hid his phone when he saw me

"Done talking to your new friends?" he said while I only rolled my eyes

Making my way towards him, I quickly sit down beside him and I felt the bus moving

Remembering what I saw, I turn to face him and said

"Hey.. Um... Who are you texting earlier?"

Miyuki only stare at me for a minute before he replied with "Interested in my personal life now, are we?" he said with an eyebrow raise

Blushing, I replied with "Stupid Miyuki! That's not it! I just saw you frowning and I-"

I what? Just like what you said, I'm interested in what's going on in your personal life? I'm just curious?

"You what?" he looked at me and raise his eyebrows when he said that

Quickly thinking of a thing to say, I said "I thought it's the coach telling us something"

A few moments of silence before he replied with

"Yes.. It's... It's the Coach"

Then he looked at the window

I stare at him for a minute before sighing and decided to plug in my earphones, still I can't help but feel like he's hiding something

'What are you hiding Miyuki?'


A/N: Guess who finally decided to update


👉  C. N.   👈


Anyway, what's up with Miyuki? What is he hiding?

Anyway that's all, thank you for reading, voting and commenting, have a nice day guys! And peaze out!

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