<< V. D. >> 20

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After what happened, we go back to the dorm, neither one of us is talking, I did Miyuki a favor of not asking about how he feel and leaving him to his alone time

When we enter, I climb up the ladder and lie down, It was too quiet, I sigh

"Night Miyuki"

But I got nothing in reply, I assume that he is already asleep, I sigh again and face the wall, I close my eyes and sleep, but later on I heard a quiet voice say

"Night Sawamura"


When I woke up, I saw that it was just 6:00

'Well, better be early than late'

I decided to jog first, to clean up my thoughts, specially my thoughts about last night

On my way there, I stop at a vending machine to get a coffee, it's too early for a soda

While I was drinking, someone stand beside me, I look up and saw that it was Yasahiro

I got shock and nearly spit my coffee , but that didn't happen, instead I swallowed my coffee so fast that I started coughing

Yasahiro looked shocked and he go near me and patted my back many times until I stopped coughing

I heard him ask if I'm alright, I just said yes

A few moments of awkward silence, I finally said

"So... Um.. What do you want?.."

It was answered by silence though, after a few minutes of silence he, FINALLY, answered

"What happened between you and Miyuki?"

"What are you talking about?"

Is this guy nuts?

He sigh and look me directly in the eyes and said "I saw you both last night, first it's Miyuki, I was about to approach him cause I saw that something is wrong with him but then you come and he hugged you while crying.... So let me repeat my question..... What happened between you and Miyuki?"

I look at him, contemplating whether I should tell him or not, he probably sense that I don't want to or undecided, cause he said

" You can trust me, I may be a clever guy but I know when to be serious"

So I told him everything, from the beginning, starting from Miyuki's birthday "-and now here I am, I still don't know whether liking him is good or bad"

He look like he's thinking, after a minute, he turn to me and said

"Your friend, Wakana right?" I only nodded

"her advice is wrong, you should always think about the consequence and if you want to take a risk, then do it, just as long as you're alright with facing the consequence of your action"

I look at him dumbfounded before quickly regaining my composure

"I still don't understand, What's the point of telling Miyuki that I still like him? I know that he would never like me, never in a million years!, I mean look at me! I don't have anything special, There's nothing likeable about me"

He smiled at me and lean in, too close for comfort, I involuntarily step back and he said "not to sound gay and all but... You're pretty cute"

My eyes went wide "What?!" I feel my cheeks heating up

He smirks and lean away from me before saying "Maybe he likes you for your personality and not for your looks"

I stare at him and said "Maybe, but I know that he doesn't"

He, once again, smiled at me and said "Have some confidence"

He, once again, lean forward, too close, but still giving me some personal space

"I'm pretty sure he's gay for you"

Then he smirks before he left, leaving me red faced and thoughtful

I was sitting on the bench for an hour I think, Miyuki suddenly appear



I jump, probably 5 feet off the ground, I even fall on the bench!, I look up and saw Miyuki biting his lower lips, I can tell that he's trying hos best not to laugh, but to no avail, he laugh! So loud that I think people from the dorm could hear it

After his laughter died down, he look at me and said "Come on, It's 7:00 already, It's breakfast time"

I stand up and he started walking, I stare at his retrieving form

'Could this guy really like me?'

I thought

"Hey!..." I look at Miyuki, well more like stared and he said

"Come on, we don't have all day!"

I just nod, say sorry and walk beside him

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