<< V. D. >> 26

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"The breakfast would start at exactly 7:30, practice would start at 8:00 right?" I look at Miyuki for confirmation and he only nodded



Miyuki sigh and said "I said you'll take the top again?"

I rolled my eyes and said "Of course I would!" he only laugh and we entered the dorm

When we arrived earlier, the coach introduced us to everyone, they welcome us and then the coach said the schedule then one of the Mika team member show us around and show us to our dorm room

Going inside, I place my bag on the top bed before eventually climbing the ladder and flopping down on the bed

"Tell me that you're not actually thinking of sleeping in our uniform"

I sigh and remove my arm from my eyes and going to the side to look down on Miyuki but I'm surprised to find his face inches from mine

Surprised, I move back, only to bang my head on the wall behind me, quickly placing my hand there and moaning in pain, Miyuki only laugh and said "Bakamura"


After that event, me and Miyuki decided to go to the cafeteria and sat, we look for a table and I ordered a food, while I'm ordering though I heard someone talking to me and to my surprise, I saw a black haired, blue eyed boy beside me

'He's smiling at me'

Realizing that he asked me a question, I said "I'm sorry? I-I didn't hear you" while looking straight at him

The guy only laugh and said "I said, you're Sawamura right? The swap.. Um.. Pitcher I guess"

I smiled at him and said "Yes! Um.." he's still smiling when he said "Hiro, Hiro Nanako, a second year"

"Cr@p! A senpai" he only laugh and said "Nah, It's fine, I don't really care about things like that-"


We both look behind him and saw a guy standing there, he said "If you don't mind, would you mind moving? You're holding up the line"

Blushing, we said sorry and go towards our table, I saw Miyuki staring at us, we'll more like glaring, I look at him

When we got there, I sat next to Hiro and across Miyuki, he already have a tray full of foods, Miyuki is openly glaring at Hiro while Hiro only looked uncomfortable, after a minute or so of silence, Hiro said

"Look dude-"

"Don't call me dude, my name is Miyuki" Hiro only nodded before continuing

"Miyuki, I'm not interested in your boyfriend, I just wanna be friends with him, nothing more, nothing less"


I chocked on the rice that I'm eating and look at Hiro while blushing, "Good then"

I looked at Miyuki shocked and said "Wait-Wait wait wait!", Miyuki and Hiro looked at me, though Hiro is looking at me questioning like while Miyuki only raise his eyebrow at me

"What" Miyuki said, I glare at him slightly before I turn to Hiro and saying "We-We're not together" I said while gesturing towards Miyuki and me

"You're not?" Hiro said while looking confused

I feel myself blushing "We're not"

"But in the bus- you two-"

"We're really not together" Hiro is still looking confused before saying "I'm sorry, I just thought- Sorry"

"It's alright" I said

I looked at Miyuki and saw him eating calmly

'Why didn't he correct Hiro?'

'Why did he say that?'


A/N: Hey guys!!!! Sorry for the late update, things have been busy

Anyways I have a question (yes again), What do you guys think of Hiro? Cauze personally, I like him anyways (again) thank you all for reading, voting and commenting, I hope you all have a nice day

-C. N.

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