<< V. D. >> 21

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Sawamura's POV

Me and Miyuki walk towards the cafeteria, I can't help but look at him, I wonder if he's alright, I've never see him cry before and last night was just the first time that I did so, still, even though I'm dying to know I didn't ask him, it's no use after all, It's just like putting salt into an open wound

I sigh and just shook my head,


I look at Miyuki questioning like and he stare at me for like a minute or so, I feel my cheeks heating up so I cough and said

"What do you want?" while glaring at him

He smirks and said "You wanna know how I feel right?"

I look at him wide eyes and suddenly Yasahiro's words start flooding my mind

"Maybe he likes you for your personality and not for your looks....... Have some confidence.... I'm pretty sure he's gay for you"

"W-What? What, What are, What are you talking about?!?"

My heart is racing fast and I don't know what to think anymore, thought are entering my mind

'What does he mean by that?!?!'
'What does he mean by what he feels?!??'
'What is he talking about?!??!!'

He looks like he wanted to laugh but he settled on biting his lower lips to keep himself from doing so

"I said you wanna know how I feel right? About last night"

'Oh! So that's that'

I sigh inwardly and only nodded, he smirks again and said

"So you're concern about me huh Bakamura?" then he laugh, he's so annoying

Huffing, I only said "Well of course I'll be worried about you Bakayuki! Because I li-"

I stop myself before I said what I was suppose to say

'Sh!t I almost told him that I still like him!'

'Sh!t  Sh!t Sh!t'

I look at Miyuki to see him looking serious

"Because you what?"

Sh!t quick think of an excuse!

"Um... Because..."

Because what?!? I like you?!? No!!! I can't say that! We're fine now, I can't ruin it again

"Because you what?" quite frankly he's not asking, he's downright commanding me to tell him, he's staring at me seriously, I don't know if I should be scared of him or what but whatever it is, his look and tone made me talk

"Be... Because... Because.. I.." I gulp, welp here comes nothing

"Because... I... Was worried about you, you're my senpai after all"

Nailed it!

He stare at me for a few more minutes, my heart is racing and sweats are forming on my forehead, then finally he sigh and smirk at me before saying

"I'm fine.." then he stare at me and with all seriousness he said "Thanks to you" then he smiled at me

It's small but it is genuine and damn do I feel myself blushing because of that, I cough and look away from him

I heard him laughing but I still didn't look at him, after a minute or so he said

"Come on then, walk faster I'm starving" then he entered the cafeteria with me following behind him

'Close call.. That one is close call, I have to be more careful around him, I can't let myself be hurt again'


A/N: Look who finally decided to update!

I have a question guys

What do you think of Miyuki?

Oh that's all hihi, have a nice day, thank you for reading, voting and commenting

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