<< V.D.>> ⚾️⚾️⚾️

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Time flies by...

You won't notice that it's already night when you're mind is occupied, I' m kinda nervous, YES! ME! SAWAMURA FRIKKING EIJUN IS NERVOUS

Even though I said that I'm ready that doesn't mean that I won't be nervous

"Eijun-kun, are you alright?" Haruichi ask with a concern look, I think because his bangs is covering his face, but you get my point

"Ye-Yeah...." I can tell he's concern seeing that I stutter but decided not to push it, in which I am very thankful for

Every passing time feels like a ticking bomb, when 12:00 comes it would explode, and by it I mean my heart

I was so nervous that I unconsciously breath heavily and my gaze are unfocused, I almost trip and if it wasn't for Haruichi I think my face are already facing the ground, I also almost step on the wrong step of the stair and I think I would have a broken bone by then



The clock reads

Time passes really quickly and before I realize it, Everyone Shh's each other, the lights are off and the candle on a field design cake were lit, Everyone is holding their gifts while I'm nervous as hell

I maybe nervous but I'm ready as f^ck to sing my f^(king song for Miyuki-Senpai

Someone is coming, I bet it's Miyuki, my thoughts were confirmed when he suddenly swing the door open

Lights were lit, party poopers were used, songs are sung, the cake are near him with the coach holding it, what could go wrong?, Nothing right?, but.... NO!, there at the door, Miyuki- Senpai is standing, holding a girls hand, beside him

I quickly recognize her, She was the girl that was talking to him earlier, He looks like he did not expect it, the look of shock and gladness in his face shows that he didn't expect it

And so am I

I am not surprise that he return her feelings, but still, even though I accept it, it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt like hell, I feel it

My heart

It skips a beat, It breaks in half, It shatters into pieces, It....... Aches.....

I can feel it

The unshed tears, the bubbling sadness in me, the urge to cry, the heartbreak

Still, I smile like I'm happy, I smile like nothings wrong, Haruichi and place their hand in both of my shoulder, I just smile at them, though my eyes have built up tears in them

"Thanks, by the way I appreciate it, I didn't expect it, I want you all to meet my girlfriend, Yakuza Keira" he said proudly announcing it

"Hi, Nice to meet you all, I heard many things about you all, from Kazuya" She said sweetly, nicely

Kazuya.... I never had the chance to call him that, I have never experience calling him that, I dreamt of calling him that, but I never got a chance to, Who am I to him for him to let me call him by his first name?, I'm just that annoying obnoxious pitcher that always ask him to catch for me

I smiled at the thought, I know what to give him for his birthday, I wish he loves it, but I don't want my efforts to be wasted but still

I would confess to him!

Everyone started said Happy birthday, he started chuckling and teases it but still thank them and said "Hahahaha, I know you all like me but, Who Doesn't? Kyahahhahaha"

Everyone literally go near him and give their gifts, hell even his GIRLFRIEND got near him and kiss him on the lips then give her gift, When they are done I thought he wouldn't notice that I don't have a gift but he suddenly turn to me and said

"Eh, Sawamura, Aren't you gonna give me a gift?, Is that how you treat you're Senpai?~" I visibly tense but smiled and said

"I would give you a song.... I mean offer you a song, hope you like it"

Everyone turn to each other and simultaneously said "Can you even sing Bakamura/Sawamura?!" But I just smirk at them and said "I hope nothing changes after this"

As I go to the front, I can feel Everyone's gaze on me, There is nothing but silence and suddenly

"Sorry babe, I have to go home, It's getting late, Happy birthday ok" as Yakuza said this she kiss Miyuki on the lips and started walking

Paying no mind to her I said, I gulp before I said "I like you Miyuki Kazuya" Everybody froze, some of the ones whose smiling drop their smile, Miyuki-Senpai suddenly turn towards me with a shock face, Yakuza stops walking, froze on her spot and suddenly turn slowly

Everything is silent, only the crickets cricketing could be heard, the silence is deafening, Eveything is awkwardly tense until..

"You've got to be kidding Me!" I flinch as Miyuki said it, "Tell me you're kidding" he added with a serious tone then smirk while frowning when I didn't answer

"Bullshit!" He shouted with an angry eyes when he turn towards me

"I'm sorry" I said with my head low because of shame and embarrassment

Everyone is speechless even Yakuza, suddenly the tension was cut short when Miyuki said "I'm not Gay!, I don't swing that way!"

I feel the tears gathering in my eyes as I flinch in his harsh words, I suddenly nodded my head and I remember Wakana's words, so I lift my head up and smile at him, a closed ayes smile that I never do, but still I smiled, despite the pain I'm feeling, despite the ache in my heart, I smiled like an idiot, I smiled like everything is Ok, like I just didn't get rejected, and said "I know"

So with my head held high I said, "I would go now, Let's just pretend that nothing happen K?" When my hand touches the knob, I suddenly remember something so I turn to him and smile, my closed eyed smile, and said "I would just give you my gift tomorrow..... That is if you want"

I turn my head back and pushes the door, as I open it, the tears in my eyes fall

In this darkest night, In this lonely walk, While Everyone is Celebrating, While Everyone is happy, I cried, I cried all of my emotions out, I cried, hoping that it would ease the pain

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