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Me and Miyuki are sitting at the Mika teams bus (weird name but ok), we are sitting next to each other of course

My earphones is plugged in as I look out the window, my mind is making schemes about how I could know who Miyuki is texting, I mean, I couldn't just ask him about because I know he would probably reply with

"You don't have to pry into my personal life, you're not my boyfriend, you're just my teammate"

My eyes widen with what I thought, clearing those thoughts away, I feel my chest hurt, I mean.. I know, I know that I'm not anything to him but still, I can't help but be curious

I'm... I'm just worried about him cause whenever he's texting he's, I don't know, tense? Maybe or maybe angry, but every time he feels my presence or he saw me, he would quickly hide his phone and wipe that look away and in place of it is his usual smirk and sarcastic personality

So tell me, who wouldn't be curious?, with plans and mind full of thoughts, I feel myself drifting off to sleep


I feel the bus stopping causing me to fully wake up, when I woke up, I saw...

The back of a chair

Confused, I turn my head upwards, wait, upwards?!

It is only then I realize that my head is on someones... Lap?!?!

I fully looked up and saw that my head is on Miyuki's lap!!

Blushing, I was about to sit.. Um properly but stop when I notice that Miyuki is texting on his phone with a frown on his face

He must have feel my head moving because he suddenly look down at me and while placing his phone on his pocket, he said

"So you're finally awake now then sleeping beauty?"

He said while smirking, blushing, I sit properly and said "Stupid Miyuki!"

He only laugh before standing up and saying "Come on then, wouldn't wanna be late more than we already are right?"

That's when I notice that we are the only one left on the bus, quickly getting my bag, I followed Miyuki out

When I arrive at the front door of the bus, that's when it occur to me

'Did that mean that Miyuki allowed me to sleep on his lap?'

He's awake after all, not only that but

' Did he wait for me to wake up instead of waking me up?'

"What the hell" I mumbled

"You coming or not?! We don't have all day you know Sawamura"

That's when I remember that I'm still standing in front of the door of the bus, quickly walking I shouted "Coming"


A/N: hey guys! I have a question, what do you think of Miyuki? (in this story hehe)

Anyways thank you for reading, voting and commenting, hope you like it and have a nice day, peaze out

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