<< V. D. >> 13

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I suddenly jolt awake, heavily breathing

"What the heck?" I mumbled and grasp my face with both of my hands

"Is everything alright?"

I look beside me and saw Sawamura rubbing his eyes looking like he just woke up, he probably woke up because of my twist and turns and decided to check on me

He's only wearing an oversize shirt that stops on his thighs and up to his mid-knee, the right side of his shirt is laying low, exposing his shoulder

'He looks rather... Ravishing'

I jolt awake and breathe heavily

"What the hell?!?" I mumbled

"It was just a dream, It was just a dream, It was just a dream" I chanted

"Why the hell did I even dream that" recovering from the shock, I took a deep breath and sigh, I can hear soft snore coming from above

"What time is it?" I was about to check when, just in time, my alarm ring

"It's 6...Gotta wake up Sawamura" I sigh and climb up the ladder

"He-" I saw something that makes me speechless

Sawamura Eijun is..... Looking too cute!

I shake my head to clear those thoughts aways but every time I look at Sawamura they just keep coming back

"Alright... One picture wouldn't hurt right?.... For blackmail purposes"

I go down and grab my phone and climb back up again, I open my phone, click the camera icon and take a shot

My camera flashes!

Sawamura groans and started moving, I hurriedly hide my phone inside my pocket and just in time, Sawamura's eyes opened and he grudgingly look at me, rubbing his eyes he said

"What are you doing Kazuya? What time is it? Is it dinner time already?"

I froze and my heart beats wildly, it seems like he doesn't realize what he just said, I shake my head and said

"It's 6:00 already, get up, we're going to have a breakfast" he nodded and go down after me, we do our morning routines and together we journeyed the the cafeteria


Some of the Devlin team members are talking to us, the ones who invited us to sit with them


"Oh!! Their cafeteria is really big! Woah their foods looks amazing! Oh their-"

"Sawamura, shut up! You're being too loud"

"Whay did you say Bakayuki?!?"

Some of the Devlin team members are looking at us, some are laughing and some are just staring, Sawamura seems to realize that and he blushes


Loud laughters erupted from the cafeteria

On the third table from our right, that are occupied by the team members who looks like they are first years, smiled at us and said

"Aren't you two the swap members who would stay with us for a week?" we nodded, more like Sawamura nodded and I said yes, they grin and said

"Come and join us then!" they said while smiling


So here we are, we are all talking to each other, well mostly Sawamura, I just eat silently and sometimes join in either when Sawamura said something and would look at me, or when Sawamura said something idiotic, I can't help but notice that

'Some of them are flirting with Sawamura'

And I don't like that.... Not one bit


A/N: thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting have a nice day guys 😸

-C. N.

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