<<V.D.>> 12

942 42 19

Miyuki's POV

After that little scene, me and Sawamura decided to play with the Devlin team members, only few of them are there, not including the seniors, we play card games, got to know some of their names, then we said goodbye and decided to go back to our seats, when we sat down Sawamura plug in his earphones, I sigh but an earphone suddenly appear in front of me, I look at the outstretched hands that is holding it and saw Sawamura with his left earphone in

I look at him, took the earphone and place it on my ear, a really catchy song is playing, "You Suck at Love" I mumbled

Sawamura look at me in surprise and said "You know this song?" I glare at him playfully and said

"Of course! I'm not like a certain moron that doesn't know stuffs" I stated sarcastically with my eyes closed

He huff and pout cutely and said "Bakayuki.."

Wait... Cutely?!?

I shake those thoughts away and just grin at Sawamura, the grin that all of our team hated


The bus finally stops signaling that we have arrived at our destination, they firstly introduce us to everyone then they tour us around and let me tell you, it's beautiful, after that, they bring us to our dorm room

Yes, we are going to dorm here for one week and then we would left to go to another school where we still don't know where

Me and Sawamura are going to be roommates even though our last names doesn't start with the same letter

When we got inside, we saw one bunk bed, a television, a closet and a table

"Oh!! I'll take the top!" Sawamura shouted, I just sigh and take out my things and place my clothes on the closet, Sawamura did the same, the coach told us that we wouldn't be practicing today but he told us that the practicing would start at exactly 8:00 a.m.

"What time are we going to eat again?" Sawamura ask

I just sigh and said "It's only been a minute when the coach told us that and you've already forgotten about it? Bakamura"

"What did you say Bakayuki?!???!"

I just sigh again and decided to answer his first question "7:00 for breakfast 12:00 for lunch and 7:00 for dinner"

He only nodded and started undressing

"What are you doing?" I ask staring at him while he undress but I won't admit that, he put on his shirt and pants, fold his dirty clothes and put it on his basket, climb up then lay down on his bed

"Night Miyuki"

I stare at him shocked and said "Why would you even say that? It's still early"

He look at me and said "I'm going to sleep and I always say that, anyway just wake me up when it's dinner time Ok?"

he yawn cutel-out loud, he yawn out loud, grab his blanket and hug his pillow, not even a minute later, I can hear soft snores coming from him

"This idiot" I sigh and change my shirt then proceed to go to my bed quietly, as quietly as possible and sleep, but not before setting the alarm of my watch at exactly 7:00 so that we could still eat dinner

"Night Sawamura" I mumbled to no one in particular

'Why the hell did I even think that?!?'


A/N: Did Sawamura make the right choice?
Should he really forgive Miyuki? And What is happening to Miyuki?

Also, for those who forgot or who really doesn't know (though you all probably already figure it out 😅)

~⚾~  <–-- this means time skip

That's all have a nice day, thank you for reading, commenting and voting peaze out

V( ¯ ^ ¯ )  - C. N.

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